On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 11:59:42 +0000
Simon Marlow <marlo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> In unrelated work, I saw this scroll across when happy'ing the parser:
> >>
> >>> shift/reduce conflicts:  60
> >>> reduce/reduce conflicts: 16
> >>
> >> These numbers seem quite a bit higher than what I last remember (which
> >> is something like 48 and 1, not 60 and 16). Does anyone know why?

4 of reduce/reduce conflicts are result of exact rule copy:

> reduce/reduce conflicts are bad, especially so since they're 
> undocumented.  We don't know whether this introduced parser bugs or not. 
>   Mike - could you look at this please?  It was your commit that 
> introduced the new conflicts.


11 more reduce/reduce (of left 12) came from single scary rule
added in
> commit bc2289e13d9586be087bd8136943dc35a0130c88
>    ghc generates more user-friendly error messages

exp10 :: { LHsExpr RdrName }
     | 'let' binds {% parseErrorSDoc (combineLocs $1 $2) $ text
                             "parse error in let binding: missing required 'in'"

The other rules add shift/reduce conflicts as follows:

        -- parsing error messages go below here
{- s/r:1 r/r:0 -}
    | '\\' apat apats opt_asig '->' {% parseErrorSDoc (combineLocs $1 $5) $ text
                                                       "parse error in lambda: 
no expression after '->'"
{- s/r:1 r/r:0 -}
    | '\\'                                       {% parseErrorSDoc (getLoc $1) 
$ text
                                                       "parse error: naked 
lambda expression '\'"
{- s/r:1 r/r:0 -}
    | 'let' binds 'in'                           {% parseErrorSDoc (combineLocs 
$1 $2) $ text
                                                       "parse error in let 
binding: missing expression after 'in'"
{- s/r:0 r/r:11 -}
     | 'let' binds                                {% parseErrorSDoc 
(combineLocs $1 $2) $ text
                                                        "parse error in let 
binding: missing required 'in'"
{- s/r:0 r/r:0 -}
        | 'let'                                      {% parseErrorSDoc (getLoc 
$1) $ text
                                                       "parse error: naked let 
{- s/r:1 r/r:0 -}
        | 'if' exp optSemi 'then' exp optSemi 'else' {% hintIf (combineLocs $1 
$5) "else clause empty" }
{- s/r:2 r/r:0 -}
        | 'if' exp optSemi 'then' exp optSemi        {% hintIf (combineLocs $1 
$5) "missing required else clause" }
{- s/r:1 r/r:0 -}
        | 'if' exp optSemi 'then'                    {% hintIf (combineLocs $1 
$2) "then clause empty" }
{- s/r:2 r/r:0 -}
        | 'if' exp optSemi                           {% hintIf (combineLocs $1 
$2) "missing required then and else clauses"
{- s/r:2 r/r:0 -}
        | 'if'                                       {% hintIf (getLoc $1) 
"naked if statement" }
{- s/r:0 r/r:0 -}
        | 'case' exp 'of'                            {% parseErrorSDoc 
(combineLocs $1 $2) $ text
                                                        "parse error in case 
statement: missing list after '->'"
{- s/r:1 r/r:0 -}
        | 'case' exp                                 {% parseErrorSDoc 
(combineLocs $1 $2) $ text
                                                       "parse error in case 
statement: missing required 'of'"
{- s/r:1 r/r:0 -}
        | 'case'                                     {% parseErrorSDoc (getLoc 
$1) $ text
                                                        "parse error: naked 
case statement"

Shift/reduces look harmless (like MultiWayIf ambiguity)
as they seem to resolve as shift correctly.



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