I tried adding strictness to everything, forcing each line with "evaluate .

It still runs out of memory and now running with -hc blames the extra
memory on "trace elements" which seems somewhat unhelpful.

On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 2:10 PM, David Spies <dnsp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think there's some confusion about makeCounts's behavior.  makeCount
> never traverses the same thing twice.  Essentially, the worst-case size of
> the unevaluated thunks doesn't exceed the total size of the array of lists
> that was used to create them (and that array itself was created with
> accumArray which is strict).
> Nonetheless, I've tried adding strictness all over makeCounts and it
> reduces the memory usage a little bit, but it still fails a later input
> instance with OOM.  It's not a significant reduction like in GHC 7.8.3
> On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 3:06 AM, Matthias Fischmann <m...@zerobuzz.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> I don't think this is a ghc issue.
>> I suspect you have too many unevaluated function calls lying around
>> (this would cause the runtime to run out of *stack* as opposed to
>> *heap*).  Different versions of ghc perform different optimizations on
>> your code, and 7.8 knows a way to fix it that 7.6 doesn't know.
>> This is usually solved by adding strictness: Instead of letting the
>> unevaluated function calls pile up, you force them (e.g. with `print`
>> or `Control.DeepSeq.deepseq`).
>> I would take a closer look at your makeCounts function: you call
>> traverse the input list, and traverse the entire list (starting from
>> each element) again in each round.  Either you should find a way to
>> iterate only once and accumulate all the data you need, or you should
>> start optimizing there.
>> hope this helps,
>> cheers,
>> matthias
>> On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 02:06:52AM -0700, David Spies wrote:
>> > Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 02:06:52 -0700
>> > From: David Spies <dnsp...@gmail.com>
>> > To: "ghc-devs@haskell.org" <ghc-devs@haskell.org>
>> > Subject: Program runs out of memory using GHC 7.6.3
>> >
>> > I have a program I submitted for a Kattis problem:
>> > https://open.kattis.com/problems/digicomp2
>> > But I got memory limit exceeded.  I downloaded the test data and ran the
>> > program on my own computer without problems.  Eventually I found out
>> that
>> > when compiling with GHC 7.6.3 (the version Kattis uses) rather than
>> 7.8.3,
>> > this program runs out of memory.
>> > Can someone explain why it only works on the later compiler?  Is there a
>> > workaround so that I can submit to Kattis?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > David
>> > module Main(main) where
>> >
>> > import           Control.Monad
>> > import           Data.Array
>> > import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
>> > import           Data.Int
>> > import           Data.Maybe
>> >
>> > readAsInt :: BS.ByteString -> Int
>> > readAsInt = fst . fromJust . BS.readInt
>> >
>> > readVert :: IO Vert
>> > readVert = do
>> >   [s, sl, sr] <- liftM BS.words BS.getLine
>> >   return $ V (fromBS s) (readAsInt sl) (readAsInt sr)
>> >
>> > main::IO()
>> > main = do
>> >   [n, m64] <- liftM (map read . words) getLine :: IO [Int64]
>> >   let m = fromIntegral m64 :: Int
>> >   verts <- replicateM m readVert
>> >   let vside = map getSide verts
>> >   let vpar = concat $ zipWith makeAssoc [1..] verts
>> >   let parArr = accumArray (flip (:)) [] (1, m) vpar
>> >   let counts = makeCounts n m $ elems parArr
>> >   let res = zipWith doFlips counts vside
>> >   putStrLn $ map toChar res
>> >
>> > doFlips :: Int64 -> Side -> Side
>> > doFlips n
>> >   | odd n = flipSide
>> >   | otherwise = id
>> >
>> > makeCounts :: Int64 -> Int -> [[(Int, Round)]] -> [Int64]
>> > makeCounts n m l = tail $ elems res
>> >   where
>> >     res = listArray (0, m) $ 0 : n : map makeCount (tail l)
>> >     makeCount :: [(Int, Round)] -> Int64
>> >     makeCount = sum . map countFor
>> >     countFor :: (Int, Round) -> Int64
>> >     countFor (i, Up) = ((res ! i) + 1) `quot` 2
>> >     countFor (i, Down) = (res ! i) `quot` 2
>> >
>> > fromBS :: BS.ByteString -> Side
>> > fromBS = fromChar . BS.head
>> >
>> > fromChar :: Char -> Side
>> > fromChar 'L' = L
>> > fromChar 'R' = R
>> > fromChar _ = error "Bad char"
>> >
>> > toChar :: Side -> Char
>> > toChar L = 'L'
>> > toChar R = 'R'
>> >
>> > makeAssoc :: Int -> Vert -> [(Int, (Int, Round))]
>> > makeAssoc n (V L a b) = filtPos [(a, (n, Up)), (b, (n, Down))]
>> > makeAssoc n (V R a b) = filtPos [(a, (n, Down)), (b, (n, Up))]
>> >
>> > filtPos :: [(Int, a)] -> [(Int, a)]
>> > filtPos = filter ((> 0) . fst)
>> >
>> > data Vert = V !Side !Int !Int
>> >
>> > getSide :: Vert -> Side
>> > getSide (V s _ _) = s
>> >
>> > data Side = L | R
>> >
>> > data Round = Up | Down
>> >
>> > flipSide :: Side -> Side
>> > flipSide L = R
>> > flipSide R = L
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