Yes, I'm arguing that the GHC release and the Platform release should be one 
and the same. The vast majority of the pain I think stems from the skew between 
these two, and that GHC is not enough. You need something besides the GHC 
release. If that something isn't standard, and/or it lags the GHC release, then 
all the attendant problems creep in.
Yes!  Our plan for GHC, dating back to the dawn of the Haskell Platform, was 

·         There are some people working on GHC itself.  That is already a big 
job.  Just getting GHC ready to release is hard.  Hence the desire that Herbert 
mentions to strip it down as much as possible.

·         But a release of GHC is not adequate.  No one except power users 
should install a GHC release.  It should be a secret among the cognoscenti that 
a GHC release has happened.

·         The first sensible unit of installation (at least for a non-power 
user) is the Haskell Platform.  It includes the tools you need (Happy, Alex, 
Cabal) as well as a small but useful collection of libraries.  That’s why GHC’s 
download page explicitly says “Stop! Shouldn’t you be installing the Haskell 
Platform instead?”.

·         HP releases should therefore, in contrast to GHC releases, be widely 

·         Moreover, a HP release should very closely follow a GHC release 
(though the former could occur more often), to reduce the chance that a naïve 
user bypasses the HP and gets GHC alone.  That is what Mark is rightly working 
on at this very moment for GHC 7.10.  We probably should work harder to reduce 
the lag.

In this sense, the plan was always that “the GHC and the Platform release are 
one and the same”.  I think of the HP release as the “real GHC release”.   It’s 
just that, as an implementation mechanism, the GHC team push out the bare GHC 
bits, so that the HP team have something firm to chew on.
So that was the plan.  I still think it’s a good plan.  But it clearly is not 
working well, and I’m hazy about why.  Possible reasons:

·         Possible diagnosis 1.   Installing HP somehow screws up the world for 
power users, or for a beginner who grows into a power user.  Surely we can fix 
this!  Installing HP should not get in the way.  I suppose that, even if 
installing HP doesn’t get in the way, it might be a waste of internet bandwidth 
and disk space for some power users.  But that is a smaller problem.

·         Possible diagnosis 2.  We have not shared the plan as a community; 
that is, we have focused lots of attention on GHC releases, and little 
attention on HP releases.  It should be the other way around.
So here are the questions in my mind:

·         Is the original plan still good?

·         Is it possible to make the HP so that installing it does not get in 
the way of power users?  So that installing it is, at worst, a waste of disk 
Personally I like the plan because it’s simple; because it usefully empowers, 
and splits responsibility between, two different groups (GHC and HP); and 
because it makes life easy for our users.

From: Libraries [] On Behalf Of Mark 
Sent: 25 March 2015 06:22
To: Gershom B
Cc: Manuel M T Chakravarty;;; Duncan Coutts;; Haskell Libraries
Subject: Re: wither the Platform

On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 10:09 PM, Gershom B 
<<>> wrote:
There are different types of beginners, and meeting all their needs (as well as 
the needs of long-timers of various stripes, etc) all at once is a tricky task.

Actually, pretty much all other language systems (C++, Java(*), Python, PHP, 
Ruby, Scala, etc...) meet all users' needs, not just beginners, with one common 
tool set + core libs. Different users don't install different packagings of 
Python. There isn't a list of choices of Scala installers.

I had a really long post prepared about my reasoning, but I think I'll just 
spare you all, and cut to the chase:

The problem is how GHC is released: It is released as a compiler, and minimal 
base libs, and (strangely) with 1/2 of cabal, haddock, ghc-pkg, no other tools, 
and no installer. This is an insufficient set of things for most users.

At minimum it should also have cabal-install, and the libs so many things are 
built on: async, mtl, text, parsec, vector, etc..., and also common tools (like 
happy, alex, and hscolour). You can argue plus or minus some of these, the set 
could be bigger or smaller, ... basically, it should be the Platform.

We should consider those additional libs as frozen, and tied to the GHC 
release, as the base libs - because that will mean those will be the common 
versions people will build and test against. And they will update as frequently 
as GHC. (If they aren't as stable as all that, or aren't willing to be part of 
that release cycle and constraint, then perhaps they shouldn't be in that set!)

Yes, I'm arguing that the GHC release and the Platform release should be one 
and the same. The vast majority of the pain I think stems from the skew between 
these two, and that GHC is not enough. You need something besides the GHC 
release. If that something isn't standard, and/or it lags the GHC release, then 
all the attendant problems creep in.

We worked really hard last Summer to make the Platform be very quickly 
buildable - there is already a 7.10 RC3 Platform out (though I did it by, ahem, 
not following Haskell Platform procedure - and, er, well, just did it!) - I 
think we should just pare back the definition of the Platform, and then commit 
to making it be the way new GHCs are released.

- Mark

(*) Okay, so Java comes in three variants, but they are mostly distinguished by 
final deployment environment, not user type.

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