I think the wiki page is imprecise when it says:

> data unlifted UBool = UTrue | UFalse
> Intuitively, if you have x :: UBool in scope, you are guaranteed to have 
> UTrue or UFalse, and
> not bottom.  

But I still can say:

foo :: UBool
foo = foo

and now foo contains bottom. I know that any attempt to use foo will lead to 
its immediate 
evaluation, but that is not exactly the same as "not containing a bottom". Or 
am I missing 
something here?


Dnia wtorek, 8 września 2015, Richard Eisenberg napisał:
> I have put up an alternate set of proposals on
>   https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/UnliftedDataTypes
> These sidestep around `Force` and `suspend` but probably have other
> problems. They make heavy use of levity polymorphism.
> Back story: this all was developed in a late-evening Haskell Symposium
> session that took place in the hotel bar. It seems Edward and I walked away
> with quite different understandings of what had taken place. I've written
> up my understanding. Most likely, the Right Idea is a combination of this
> all!
> See what you think.
> Thanks!
> Richard
> On Sep 8, 2015, at 3:52 AM, Simon Peyton Jones <simo...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> > |  And to
> > |  be honest, I'm not sure we need arbitrary data types in Unlifted;
> > |  Force (which would be primitive) might be enough.
> >
> > That's an interesting thought.  But presumably you'd have to use
> > 'suspend' (a terrible name) a lot:
> >
> > type StrictList a = Force (StrictList' a)
> > data StrictList' a = Nil | Cons !a (StrictList a)
> >
> > mapStrict :: (a -> b) -> StrictList a -> StrictList b
> > mapStrict f xs = mapStrict' f (suspend xs)
> >
> > mapStrict' :: (a -> b) -> StrictList' a -> StrictList' b
> > mapStrict' f Nil = Nil
> > mapStrict' f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (mapStrict f xs)
> >
> >
> > That doesn't look terribly convenient.
> >
> > | ensure that threads don't simply
> > |  pass thunks between each other. But, if you have unlifted types, then
> > |  you can have:
> > |
> > |      data UMVar (a :: Unlifted)
> > |
> > |  and then the type rules out the possibility of passing thunks through
> > |  a reference (at least at the top level).
> >
> > Really? Presumably UMVar is a new primitive? With a family of operations
> > like MVar?  If so can't we just define newtype UMVar a = UMV (MVar a)
> >     putUMVar :: UMVar a -> a -> IO ()
> >     putUMVar (UMVar v) x = x `seq` putMVar v x
> >
> > I don't see Force helping here.
> >
> > Simon
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