On 08/09/2015 13:10, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:

|  Without any unlifted kind, we need
|    - ArrayArray#
|    - a set of new/read/write primops for every element type,
|      either built-in or made from unsafeCoerce#
|  With the unlifted kind, we would need
|    - ArrayArray#
|    - one set of new/read/write primops
|  With levity polymorphism, we would need
|    - none of this, Array# can be used

I don't think levity polymorphism will work here.  The code for a function 
needs to know whether an intermediate value of type 'a' is strict or not. It 
HAS to choose (unless we compile two versions of every function).  So I don't 
see how to be polymorphic over a type variable that can range over both lifted 
and unlifted types.

The only reason that 'error' is levity-polymorphic over both lifted and 
unlifted types is that it never returns!
   error :: forall (a :: AnyKind).  String -> a
the code for error never manipulates a value of type 'a', so all is well.  But 
it's an incredibly special case.

I think there's a bit of confusion here, Ed's email a bit earlier described the proposal for the third option above: https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/ghc-devs/2015-September/009867.html

For generalising these primops it would be fine, there are no thunks being built.

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