
Thank you so much for all of your contributions to the community.

I confess, there are days when I find myself lost in maintenance hell that
I feel a desire to throw in the towel as well. (If Eric Mertens and others
hadn't picked up so much of the slack on my own projects I'm afraid I
likely would have reached the point of gravitational collapse long ago.)

I'm terribly sorry to hear that recent attempts to mitigate the impact of
changes, the three release policy which as inspired by comments you made,
haven't been enough to assuage your fears and discontent about the current
direction things are heading.

We are all poorer for the loss of your guidance.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Johan Tibell <>

> Friends,
> I'm taking a step back from day-to-day library work.
> There are two main reasons I use Haskell: on one hand I find writing
> Haskell educational and fun. On the other I hope to make it a viable
> alternative to existing mainstream languages. With recent changes to our
> core libraries, and the general direction these are moving in, I believe
> we're moving away from becoming a viable alternative to those mainstream
> languages.
> This has some practical implications for how I spend my Haskell hacking
> time. Much of what I do is maintaining and working on libraries that are
> needed for real world usage, but that aren't that interesting to work on.
> I've lost the motivation to work on these.
> I've decided to take a step back from the core maintenance work on cabal,
> network, containers, and a few others* starting now. I've already found
> replacement maintainers for these.
> I still plan to hack on random side projects, including GHC, and to
> continue coming to Haskell events and conference, just with a shorter bug
> backlog to worry about. :)
> -- Johan Tibell
> * For now I will still hack on unordered-containers and ekg, as there are
> some things I'd like to experiment with there.
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