tl;dr: Help needed to bring Haddock up-to-date for the GHC 8.0 release.

Hello everyone,

As you likely know, the GHC 8.0 release cycle is quickly drawing to a
close. One of the tasks that remains outstanding is porting the patches
on Haddock's `ghc-head` branch to `master`. This task is bound to
require a bit more work than usual this time around as both GHC and
Haddock have evolved significantly (which is a good thing!). Sadly,
Austin and I are quite busy at the moment and would be hard-pressed to
undertake such a task ourselves. Consequently, we need a volunteer to
pick up this work.

At the moment the GHC release schedule is largely determined by progress
on the no-kinds branch but we expect to have a release candidate out
within the next two weeks. If we aren't able to find someone to bring
haddock up-to-date by mid-January I'm afraid we'll have to release GHC
8.0 with the current state of the `ghc-head` branch. Considering the
significant effort that went into this summer's GSoC projects, this
would be a shame.

If you think you might be able to contribute to this effort, please say
so in this thread.

Thanks for all of your effort,

- Ben

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