Maybe put this all on a ticket?

Everyone: would someone like to dig into this?  I’m so under water that I just 


From: Jan Bracker []
Sent: 15 January 2016 14:03
To: Simon Peyton Jones <>
Cc: Richard Eisenberg <>;
Subject: Re: Explanation of a core-lint warning (Bad getNth)

I have condensed a self-contained plugin and an example application that 
reproduces the error. You can find it here:

You just have to download the three files and run "cabal install" to reproduce 
the error. There is a high-level explanation of
what is going on in [1]. The plugin [2] is still around 600 lines long, but I 
have added a lot of comments to make it comprehensible.
I suppose the most interesting part is the production of evidence [3]. I have 
added checks to see if the evidence I produce contains the 'Nth' constructors 
the core-linter refers to [4,5], but the evidence produced does not contain 
them. So somehow the evidence triggers GHC to produce evidence that the 
core-linter warns about.

I hope this is comprehensible and you can help me with what is going on.



2015-11-20 9:57 GMT+00:00 Simon Peyton Jones 
I don’t know how to help either, because there’s no way to reproduce it.  Can 
you find a Haskell program that, when GHC compiles it, produces this Lint 
error?  Or does it require your plugin?  If the latter, it’s hard to know what 
your plugin might be doing…

So I feel a bit stalled on how to help.


From: ghc-devs 
[<>] On 
Behalf Of Richard Eisenberg
Sent: 18 November 2015 17:14
To: Jan Bracker
Subject: Re: Explanation of a core-lint warning (Bad getNth)

Ah yes. I looked too quickly. Note that there are two NthCo's listed. Its the 
outermost that's the problem, which is deconstructing the Union. But it's doing 
so to prove that '["thres" :-> Int] ~ '["thres" :-> Int] which is rather easy 
to prove without NthCo. I'm not sure why GHC is doing this.


On Nov 18, 2015, at 12:11 PM, Jan Bracker 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Richard,

No "Split" is a class and is defined here:<>
"Union" is a type function (synonym that refers to a type function call):<>

thank you for your quick reply!


2015-11-18 17:05 GMT+00:00 Richard Eisenberg 
I took just a quick look at this. Is Split a type family? The NthCo coercion 
form takes apart a composite equality into its pieces. For example, if we know 
(Maybe a ~ Maybe b), then NthCo:0 will tell us that (a ~ b). In your case, it 
looks like GHC is trying to deduce (Union '["thres" :-> Int] []) ~ (Union 
'["thres" :-> Int] (Unit Reader)) from an equality of two (Split ...) types. If 
Split is a type family, this deduction is unsound. That may be what Core Lint 
is worried about.

I'm not surprised that the executable would run with an error. But it might not 
in the future. If -dcore-lint fails, it means that there is a potential type 
safety issue in the Core code, and this should be taken seriously.

I hope this helps!

On Nov 18, 2015, at 11:35 AM, Jan Bracker 
<<>> wrote:


I am using the type checker plugin interface and I am trying to produce some 
evidence for type class instances. During compilation of one of my examples I 
get this core-lint error:

*** Core Lint errors : in result of Simplifier ***
<no location info>: Warning:
    [RHS of ds_a6bY :: (Set '["thres" :-> Int], Set (Unit Reader))]
    Bad getNth:
           (Sub (Sym (TFCo:R:Inv[]Readerfg[0] <'["thres" :-> Int]>_N <'[]>_N))
            ; (Inv
                 <Reader>_N <'["thres" :-> Int]>_N (Sym 
            ; Sub
                (TFCo:R:Inv[]Readerfg[0] <'["thres" :-> Int]>_N <Unit 
      Split '["thres" :-> Int] '[] (Union '["thres" :-> Int] '[])
        '["thres" :-> Int]
        (Unit Reader)
        (Union '["thres" :-> Int] (Unit Reader))

I suppose "getNth" refers to the constructor "EvTupleSel" from "EvTerm", 
"TcNthCo" from "TcCoercion" or to "NthCo" from "Coercion". But I never produce 
evidence of the shape "getNth".  My evidence production code can be found at 
[1] and the only place where evidence of this shape can come from is my 
"evaluateType" function [2] that calls "normaliseType" from the GHC module 
"FamInstEnv". You can reproduce the error by checking out commit 
144525886ec107af6f1283b26b19f8125c980aa4 from [3] and running "make 
effect-example" in the top directory of the repository (GHC 7.10 or better is 
required and a sandbox is automatically created).

The core-lint error does not seem to have any negative consequences when 
ignored. The produced executable works fine. Can somebody explain why it 
appears and maybe how I can fix it?

Thank you!

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