
SPARC/Solaris 11.2 build: https://app.box.com/s/lktjbjtnqv39pil4pkkni4xpn5mi2053
Its signature: https://app.box.com/s/catr69sepivx5xb0g5totl2y6hwrznpj

Signatures of already sent files:
i386/solaris: https://app.box.com/s/it4pih3bi6bq02mfqmnnae13sk7gebb4
amd64/solaris: https://app.box.com/s/okvd7dq3g1jhznkmlf4coug51f83724t
amd64/openbsd: https://app.box.com/s/xa4u80t8htmmqotxwcmdj25soxddgrxb
SHA256SUM: https://app.box.com/s/86ipjn3z3wwzbcpwos8e80qcivn6fnhv

Updated SHA256SUM file: https://app.box.com/s/0t3kutu8i3xhhs1vh97x6vcmjdnvlm78


On 01/14/16 10:27 PM, Karel Gardas wrote:


I've build two builds for Solaris 11.2:

i386: https://app.box.com/s/1m75kzunzsz6bqh77py5517t39734446
amd64: https://app.box.com/s/y583zs1tqduz8lbppt66z1qlxms0vytg

Both binary distributions support shared libraries and use system
provided GMP library. If you do not have it installed then you should do
that using "pkg install library/gmp" command.

and one build for OpenBSD 5.9 (current):

amd64: https://app.box.com/s/95lpdhoc5h0zs0mx3chlacdl3hskzkqi

This binary distribution also supports shared libraries and by default
also OpenBSD position independent executables (PIE). It requires gmp,
libffi and libiconv to be installed by "pkg_add <package>" command.

SPARC build for Solaris 11.2 is ongoing.


On 01/13/16 04:43 PM, Ben Gamari wrote:

The GHC Team is very pleased to announce the first release candidate of
the Glasgow Haskell Compiler 8.0.1 release. Source and binary
distributions as well as the newly revised users guide can be found at


This is the first in a series of release candidates which will allow us
to get wider testing of the significant changes that have occurred since
the 7.10 series. These include,

  * the TypeInType extension, which unifies types and kinds allowing for
    promotion of more Haskell constructs to the type-level

  * the introduction of type application in source programs

  * support for recursive superclass relationships

  * support for Applicative do notation

  * introduction of the DuplicateRecordFields language extension

  * a rewritten and substantially more thorough pattern match checker

  * the introduction of injective type classes

  * introduction of the Strict and StrictData language extensions,
    allowing modules to be compiled with strict-by-default evaluation
    of bindings

  * the ability to run the GHCi interpreter in a separate process,
    allowing a callstacks in GHCi, easier integration with tooling, and

and much more.

Changes of this magnitude will invariably bring bugs. This release
candidate in particular is known to suffer from a few significant issues
which are being actively worked upon,

  * The new -XInjectiveTypeFamilies language extension will likely be
    renamed to -XTypeFamilyDependencies

  * #11120: Type representations are missing for some types and promoted

  * #11334: Solving for Typeable (Proxy :: Proxy 'Compose) fails

  * #11276: Pattern checker performance can degrade significantly in
    presence of pattern matches with guards

  * #11405: Type-level skolem-escape check fails incorrectly

  * #11414: Use of -XStrict results in compiler abort

  * #11379: Instance solver fails to terminate

  * #11419: Haddock documentation is currently not included in the binary
    distributions (and hence is missing on downloads.haskell.org)

  * #11370: -Wredundant-constraints being included in -Wall breaks
    the three-release compatibility policy

In the coming weeks we will continue to iterate on these issues. We will
also look at Trac tickets marked with "highest" priority on the release
status page [2].

If you have a ticket that you would like to see addressed that does not
meet one of these criteria, please bring this to our attention.
Likewise, if you encounter an issue please open a ticket if one does not
already exist.

Also note that we currently cannot offer 32-bit Windows builds due to
breaking changing in a recent Windows 10 upgrade. We'll work to
resolve this before the 8.0 release but please let us know if this poses
a significant problem for you.


- Ben

[1] https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2015-12/msg00003.htm
[2] https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Status/GHC-8.0.1

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