I'd be willing to help with work required to open up GHC development
more along multiple lines including:

Bots/automation for Github

Talking to Rust devs about what works, what doesn't

Talking to GHC devs about what works, what doesn't,
comparing/contrasting with other processes such as Rust's

Papering all this up into a "where we are, where we'd like to go" document

Writing documentation and tutorials for getting new developers on board

Manually on-boarding new developers

I am willing to do this work in addition to my 9-5 work using Haskell,
the book(s) which are a full-time job unto themselves, and the open
source work I do.

I will not do any of this as long as this is the attitude of GHC
developers. I can not in good conscience encourage people to
contribute to a project controlled and represented with such hostility
and dismissiveness. The needs of the community and of new and casual
contributors have to be taken seriously. This is not for their sake
alone, it's to ease the workload of the maintainers and to mend the
worsening culture gap.

On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 8:19 PM, Brandon Allbery <allber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 9:08 PM, Manuel M T Chakravarty
> <c...@justtesting.org> wrote:
>> Why are you so hostile to Chris? I don’t think that this is an appropriate
>> way to treat somebody who is making a suggestion in good faith.
> It may be in good faith. but it's not in good sense. There is a lot in the
> background that made Rust's setup possible, and he's not bringing that to
> the table, just assuming it'll somehow happen or that everyone else will
> drop everything for the next few months and make it happen. And I feel like
> he's being really pushy about committing already overworked people to this
> --- and insisting that anyone opposed must have a hidden agenda or otherwise
> cannot possibly have good reason to be opposed. It's not helpful at all;
> it's basically a good way to stall ghc for the next few months at least.
> --
> brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine associates
> allber...@gmail.com                                  ballb...@sinenomine.net
> unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad        http://sinenomine.net

Chris Allen
Currently working on http://haskellbook.com
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