Hi Oleg,

I'm afraid to say that there is no one current type safety proof. Instead, 
there are lots of bits and pieces:

- A system with roles (but no TypeInType or kind polymorphism) is proved in 
"Safe Zero-cost Coercions for Haskell" (JFP '16) [1].

- A system with TypeInType but no roles is proved in "System FC with Explicit 
Kind Equality (extended version)" (ICFP '13) [2]. This type safety proof is 
broken (see [3], section, but we have no counterexample to safety.

- Closed type families are proved safe in "Closed Type Families with 
Overlapping Equations" (POPL '14) [4]. This system has no roles nor kind 
polymorphism. It also assumed that type family reductions terminate, explicitly 
leaving the challenge of proving safety with non-terminating type families as 
an open problem (see Section 6 of that paper). There may be a solution in work 
that has since been completed ("Non-ω-overlapping TRSs are UN" (LIPIcs '16) 
[5]), but I'm not aware of work that has adapted that solution to work with 

- My thesis (Univ. of Pennsylvania '16) [3] has a proof of a version of Haskell 
with dependent types. Closed type families have been converted into type-level 
lambdas; the full proof does not consider the possibility of non-linear 
patterns in type families. A start toward such an approach is described 
(Section 5.13.2) but not fleshed out. Roles are not included.

- A draft paper, never published, ("An overabundance of equality: Implementing 
kind equalities into Haskell" (2015) [6]) considers the possibility of 
combining roles with TypeInType. The proof is somewhat sparse, and it has not 
gotten the level of scrutiny in the other proofs. Furthermore, the way roles 
and TypeInType are integrated in GHC is different than what appears in this 

- Forthcoming work, by Stephanie Weirich, Pedro Amorim, Antoine Voizard, and 
myself, contains a mechanized proof of safety of a dependently typed 
Haskell-like system, but with no roles, closed type families, or even 
datatypes. I do not believe there is a public link to this work; we expect to 
submit to ICFP.

- There is a formally written, but unproved, description of what is implemented 
in GHC [7]. It is useful for understanding the GHC source code in relation to 
other published work. There is no proof whatsoever.

This is a sorry state of affairs, I know. It remains my hope that we will have 
a formal, mechanized proof of this all Some Day, and progress is indeed slowly 
marching toward that goal.


[1]: http://cs.brynmawr.edu/~rae/papers/2016/coercible-jfp/coercible-jfp.pdf
[2]: http://cs.brynmawr.edu/~rae/papers/2013/fckinds/fckinds-extended.pdf
[3]: http://cs.brynmawr.edu/~rae/papers/2016/thesis/eisenberg-thesis.pdf
[4]: http://cs.brynmawr.edu/~rae/papers/2014/axioms/axioms-extended.pdf
[5]: http://kar.kent.ac.uk/55349/1/proc-kahrs.pdf
[6]: http://cs.brynmawr.edu/~rae/papers/2015/equalities/equalities.pdf
[7]: https://github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/master/docs/core-spec/core-spec.pdf

> On Dec 15, 2016, at 1:30 AM, Oleg Grenrus <oleg.gren...@iki.fi> wrote:
> Out of curiosity: where's the current type safety proof, and is it
> mechanized?
> Oleg
> On 13.12.2016 17:01, Richard Eisenberg wrote:
>> I've thought about inequality on and off for years now, but it's a hard nut 
>> to crack. If we want this evidence to affect closed type family reduction, 
>> then we would need evidence of inequality in Core, and a brand-spanking-new 
>> type safety proof. I don't wish to discourage this inquiry, but I also don't 
>> think this battle will be won easily.
>> Richard
>>> On Dec 13, 2016, at 1:02 AM, David Feuer <david.fe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 12:49 AM, Oleg Grenrus <oleg.gren...@iki.fi> wrote:
>>>> First the bike shedding: I’d prefer /~ and :/~:.
>>> Those are indeed better.
>>>> new Typeable [1] would actually provide heterogenous equality:
>>>> eqTypeRep' :: forall k1 k2 (a :: k1) (b :: k2).
>>>>   TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (a :~~: b)
>>>> And this one is tricky, should it be:
>>>> eqTypeRep' :: forall k1 k2 (a :: k1) (b :: k2).
>>>>  TypeRep a -> TypeRep b ->
>>>>  Either (Either (k1 :/~: k2) (a :/~: b)) (a :~~: b)
>>>> i.e. how kind inequality would work?
>>> I don't know. It sounds like some details of how kinds are expressed
>>> in TypeRep might still be a bit uncertain, but I'm not tuned in. Maybe
>>> we should punt and use heterogeneous inequality? That's over my head.
>>>> I'm not sure about propagation rules, with inequality you have to be 
>>>> *very* careful!
>>>> irreflexivity, x /~ x and symmetry x /~ y <=> y /~ x are clear.
>>>> I assume that in your rules, variables are not type families, otherwise
>>>> x /~ y => f x /~ f y doesn't hold if `f` isn't injective. (e.g. type 
>>>> family F x where F x = ())
>>>> other direction is true though.
>>> I was definitely imagining them as first-class types; your point that
>>> f x /~ f y => x /~ y even if f is a type family is an excellent one.
>>>> Also:
>>>> f x ~ a -> b, is true with f ~ (->) a, x ~ b.
>>> Whoops! Yeah, I momentarily forgot that (->) is a constructor. Just
>>> leave out that bogus piece.
>>> Thanks,
>>> David Feuer
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