On 1/3/17 6:32 PM, Matthew Pickering wrote:
The version field is not very useful as there are only two active
branches at once. Instead we want a project which marks tickets which
apply to the 8.0.2 branch for example. Tickets which refer to ancient
versions of GHC should be closed if they can't be reproduced with
HEAD. It is also not used very often, only updated on about 600
I strongly disagree here. It is not uncommon to have a user report a bug against an old version of GHC. When the reporter sets a version of, say, 7.6.3 these days, we know that the bug is quite clearly old and may already be fixed.
I'm also skeptical about how useful the component field is. I've never
personally used it and it is not accurate for the majority of tickets.
If someone disagrees then please say but it is really not used very
I use the Template Haskell component field to quickly search for all TH tickets. That said, the line between Component and Keyword is very murky and ought to be straightened out. I'm thus not against scrapping Component, but I wouldn't want data loss during the conversion: an updated Component field should be retained as a tag.

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