With regards to the other two points that Ben made.

I solicited the opinion of a few people when I first made the
prototype and the reaction was that it didn't matter to them. We
should really make this decision based on the opinions of people who
are high utilisers of the tracker. The experience should be better for
occasional contributors as there are many more options for
authentication and clearer control over notifications.

The interaction with the stable branch was something I had not
considered yet so thank you for bringing this up. I spent yesterday
looking at the situation and it doesn't look like there is anything
immediate which could help with release management. People in
#phabricator told me that we shouldn't use Releeph as there were plans
to change it significantly and it wasn't a finished product. They
pointed me to https://secure.phabricator.com/T9530 and
https://secure.phabricator.com/D16981 which describe the future of the
feature. In particular, the "Facebook-Style Cherry-Picks /
Phabricator-Style Stable / Backporting" work flow looks close to
current practices. This being said, it isn't clear at all when they
plan to introduce these features.

Custom forms are also a good idea. We could even modify the URLs
sometimes produced by the compiler for panics to prefill certain
fields of the form.
(For example.. 


On Sun, Jan 8, 2017 at 5:40 AM, Ben Gamari <b...@smart-cactus.org> wrote:
> Matthew Pickering <matthewtpicker...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Dear devs,
> Hi Matthew and Dan,
> First, thanks for your work on this; it is an impressive effort.
> Reconstructing a decade of tickets with broken markup, tricky syntax,
> and a strange data model is no easy task. Good work so far!
> On the whole I am pleasantly surprised by how nicely Maniphest seems to
> hang together. I have pasted my notes from my own reflection on the pros
> and cons of both systems below. On re-reading them, it seems clear that
> Trac does leave us with a number of issues which Phabricator may
> resolve.
> As I've expressed in the past, I think we should consider preservation
> of ticket numbers to be an absolute requirement of any migration. To do
> otherwise imposes a small cost on a large number of people for a
> very long time with little benefit. GHC infrastructure exists to
> support GHC, not the other way around.
> However, ticket numbers notwithstanding I think I would be fine moving
> in this direction if the community agrees that this is the direction we
> want to go in.
> There are a few questions that remain outstanding, however:
> What do others think of this?
> =============================
> Does Phabricator address the concerns that others, including those
> outside of the usual GHC development community, have raised about our
> issue tracking in the past? It would be interesting to hear some outside
> voices.
> How do we handle the stable branch?
> ===================================
> One important role that the issue tracker plays is ensuring that
> patches are backported to the stable branch when appropriate. In Trac we
> handle this with a "merge" state (indicating that the ticket has been
> fixed in `master`, but the fix needs to be backported) and the milestone
> field (to indicate which release we want to backport to).
> A significant amount of GHC's maintenance load is spent backporting and
> updating tickets, so it's important that this process works smoothly and
> reliably. I think this is may be an area where Phabricator could
> improve the status quo since the workflow currently looks something like
> this,
>  1. Someone merges a patch to `master` fixing an issue; if the commit
>     message mentions the ticket number then our infrastructure
>     automatically leaves a comment referencing the commit on the ticket.
>  2. Someone (usually the committer) places the ticket in `merge` state
>     and sets the milestone appropriately
>  3. I merge the patch to the stable branch
>  4. I close the ticket and manually leave a comment mentioning the SHA
>     of the backported commit.
> In particular (4) is more work than it needs to be; ideally comment
> generation would be automated as it is for commits to `master` but
> Trac's comment-on-commit functionality is a bit limited, so this is
> currently not an option.
> I'm not sure what Phabricator's analogous workflow to the above might
> look like. It seems that Phabricator's Releeph module may be in part
> intended for this use-case, but it seems to have some unfortunate
> limitations (e.g. the inflexibility in branch naming) that make it hard
> to imagine it being usable in our case.
> Setting aside Releeph, perhaps the best solution would be to continue
> with our current workflow: we would retain the "status" state and
> milestone projects would take the place of the current "milestone"
> field. If I'm not mistaken Phabricator can be configured to mention
> commits on stable branches in the ticket history, so this should help
> point (4).
> Which fields should be preserved?
> =================================
> Our Trac instance associates a lot of structured metadata with each
> ticket. I generally think that this is a good thing, especially compared
> to the everything-is-a-tag model which I have found can quickly become
> unmaintainable. Unfortunately, Trac makes our users pay for these fields
> with a confusing ticket form.
> It appears that Phabricator's Transactions [1] module may allow us to have
> our cake and eat it too: we can define one form for users to create
> tickets and another, more complete form for developer use. In light of
> this I don't see why we would need to fall back to the
> everything-is-a-tag. Matthew, what did you feel was
> less-than-satisfactory about the proper-fields approach? I fear that
> relevant metadata like GHC version, operating system and architecture
> simply won't be provided unless the user is explicitly prompted; I
> personally find the cue to be quite helpful. Presumably contributors can
> set Herald rules for notification on these fields if they so desire.
> In the particular case of the "Component" field, I personally try to
> set this correctly when possible and have certainly found it useful as a
> search criterion. However, I suspect it would be fine as a tag. I also
> know that Simon PJ is quite fond of the test case field (although
> few others as as diligent in keeping this one up to date).
> How would we migrate and what will become of Trac?
> ==================================================
> The mechanics of migration will take time and effort to work out. If we
> decide this is the right direction I think we should be cautious in
> setting timelines; we should take as much time as we need to do it
> correctly. Regardless, we should gather a consensus on the general
> direction before we start hashing this out.
> Thanks again for your effort on this, Matthew and Dan, and sorry it took
> me so long to finally get these notes out.
> Cheers,
> - Ben
> [1] https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/forms/
> Notes
> =====
> These were largely for my sake to keep track of the pros and cons of the
> two options. I've nevertheless included them here for completeness.
> What does Maniphest do well?
> ----------------------------
>  * Actively developed: Phabricator will continue to improve in the
>    future.
>  * Metadata: Custom fields are supported.
>  * Flexible user interface: Custom fields can be hidden from the new
>    ticket form to prevent user confusion.
>  * Familiarity: Many users may feel more at home in Phabricator's interface;
>    reMarkup's similarity to Markdown also helps.
>  * Integration: Having Phabricator handle code review, release
>    management, and issue tracking will hopefully reduce maintenance
>    workload.
>  * Notifications: Herald's rule-based notifications are quite handy.
> What does Maniphest do poorly?
> ------------------------------
>  * Flexibility of search: The search options feel a bit more limiting
>    than Trac; in particular the ability to show arbitrary columns in
>    search results seems conspicuously missing.
>  * Legibility: This is admittedly to some extent a matter of aesthetics
>    but the search results list feels very busy and is quite difficult to
>    quickly scan. This is made exacerbated by the fact that some aspects
>    of the the color scheme are quite low contrast (e.g. grey against
>    white for closed tickets). This hurts quite a bit since a number of
>    contributors spend a significant amount of time looking through lists
>    of tickets. Perhaps we could convince the Phacility people to provide
>    a more legible, compact presentation option.
> What does Trac do well?
> -----------------------
>  * Convenient cross-referencing: while the syntax is a bit odd, once you
>    acclimate it is quite liberating to be able to precisely
>    cross-reference tickets, wiki documents, and comments without copying
>    links around.
>  * Automation of ticket lifecycle: Trac tickets progress through their
>    lifecycle (e.g. from "new" to "patch" to "merge" to "closed"
>    statuses) through predefined actions. This means that moving a ticket
>    through its lifecycle typically only requires one click and the right
>    thing happens with no additional effort. I think this is a great model,
>    although in practice it's not clear how much we benefit from it
>    compared to a typical Maniphest workflow.
>  * Rich metadata: Tickets can have a variety of metadata fields
>    which can be queried in sophisticated ways .
> What does Trac do poorly?
> -------------------------
>  * Familiarity: Many users feel rather lost in Trac
>  * Active development: Trac is largely a stagnant project.
>  * Spam management: Keeping spam at bay has been a challenge. We seem to
>    have it under control at the moment, but I wonder how long this will
>    last for.
>  * Safety: I have personally lost probably a half-dozen hours of my life
>    to Trac eating comments.
>  * Integration with code review workflow: We use Phabricator for CI and
>    code review; the only thing that remains on Trac are our tickets and
>    the Wiki. Keeping these two resources in sync is time-consuming and
>    error-prone.
>  * Full text search: Trac's full text search capabilities are generally
>    terrible. While I've tried working around this using PostgreSQL's
>    native full text search functionality, the result is poorly
>    integrated into Trac and consequently hard to use.
>  * Customizability of the ticket form: While the rich metadata that Trac
>    supports can be very helpful developers, it can also be confusing to
>    users. Ideally we would hide these fields but Trac does not give us
>    the ability to do so.
>  * Relations between tickets: Trac has essentially no first-class notion
>    of ticket relatedness. Even duplicate tickets need to be manually
>    annotated in both directions.
>  * Keywords are hard to discover and apply
>  * Fine-grained notification support is nearly non-existent
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