Yes, I clearly haven't thought this through enough. For the purpose of
Functor deriving, it looks like we can just derive better. I've been
discussing it with Ryan and Reid, and it looks like we can get that
taken care of.


On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 5:50 PM, Simon Peyton Jones
<> wrote:
> What code would you like to get?
> I think you are talking about specialising a recursive function 
> ($fFunctorTree_$cfmap in this case) for a particular value of its function 
> argument.  That's a bit like SpecConstr (SpecFun perhaps) and nothing at all 
> like inlining.
> Unless I'm missing something.
> I think there's a ticket somewhere about extending SpecConstr to work on 
> function arugments, but it's tricky to do.
> Simon
> | -----Original Message-----
> | From: David Feuer []
> | Sent: 30 January 2017 21:42
> | To:; Simon Peyton Jones <>
> | Cc: David Feuer <>
> | Subject: Re: Constant functions and selectors make for interesting
> | arguments
> |
> | Here's an example:
> |
> | data Tree a = Bin (Tree a) a (Tree a) | Tip deriving Functor
> |
> | {-# NOINLINE replace #-}
> | replace :: a -> Tree b -> Tree a
> | replace x t = x <$ t
> |
> | When I compile this with -O2, I get
> |
> | Rec {
> | -- RHS size: {terms: 18, types: 21, coercions: 0} $fFunctorTree_$cfmap
> |   :: forall a_ar2 b_ar3. (a_ar2 -> b_ar3) -> Tree a_ar2 -> Tree b_ar3
> | $fFunctorTree_$cfmap =
> |   \ (@ a_aGb)
> |     (@ b_aGc)
> |     (f_aFH :: a_aGb -> b_aGc)
> |     (ds_dGN :: Tree a_aGb) ->
> |     case ds_dGN of _ {
> |       Bin a1_aFI a2_aFJ a3_aFK ->
> |         Bin
> |           ($fFunctorTree_$cfmap f_aFH a1_aFI)
> |           (f_aFH a2_aFJ)
> |           ($fFunctorTree_$cfmap f_aFH a3_aFK);
> |       Tip -> Tip
> |     }
> | end Rec }
> |
> | $fFunctorTree_$c<$
> |   :: forall a_ar4 b_ar5. a_ar4 -> Tree b_ar5 -> Tree a_ar4
> | $fFunctorTree_$c<$ =
> |   \ (@ a_aGQ) (@ b_aGR) (eta_aGS :: a_aGQ) (eta1_B1 :: Tree b_aGR) ->
> |     $fFunctorTree_$cfmap (\ _ -> eta_aGS) eta1_B1
> |
> | replace :: forall a_aqt b_aqu. a_aqt -> Tree b_aqu -> Tree a_aqt replace
> | = $fFunctorTree_$c<$
> |
> | This is no good at all, because replacing the values in the same tree
> | over and over will build up a giant chain of thunks in each node carrying
> | all the previous values. I suppose that inlining per se may not be quite
> | enough to fix this problem, but I suspect there's some way to fix it.
> | Fixing it in Functor deriving would be a start (I can look into that),
> | but fixing it in user code would be quite good too.
> |
> | On Monday, January 30, 2017 9:01:34 PM EST Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-
> | devs
> | wrote:
> | > Functions whose body is no bigger (by the inliner’s metrics) than the
> | call
> | > are always inlined vigorously.   So (\.....-> k) replaces a call by a
> | > single variable.  GHC will do that a lot.
> |
> | > These ideas are best backed by use-cases where something good is not
> | > happening.   Do you have some?
> |
> | > Simon
> | >
> | > From: ghc-devs [] On Behalf Of
> | > David Feuer
> |  Sent: 27 January 2017 16:42
> | > To: ghc-devs <>
> | > Subject: Constant functions and selectors make for interesting
> | > arguments
> | >
> | > GHC's inliner has a notion of "interesting argument" it uses to
> | > encourage inlining of functions called with (I think) dictionary
> | > arguments. I think another class of argument is very interesting, by
> | > being very boring. Any argument that looks like either
> |
> | > \ _ ... (Con _ ... x ... _ ) ... _ -> coerce x
> | >
> | > or
> | >
> | > \ _ ... _ -> k
> | >
> | > Has a pretty good chance of doing a lot of good when inlined, perhaps
> | > plugging a space leak. Would it make sense to try to identify such
> | > functions and consider them interesting for inlining?
> |
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