This a use case for ImplicationConstraints, or what

On Jun 6, 2017 19:02, "David Feuer" <> wrote:

> Edward Kmett has explained that this isn't sufficient when things go
> higher order. His suggested improvement is
>     liftCoercion :: Maybe (Coercion a b -> Coercion (f a) (f b))
> David Feuer
> Well-Typed, LLP
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Ryan Scott <>
> Date: 6/6/17 1:41 PM (GMT-05:00)
> To: Richard Eisenberg <>
> Cc: GHC developers <>, Eric Mertens <
> Subject: Re: Hunting down a compilation performance regression involving
> type families
> Hrm. It's a shame that supporting this map/coerce RULE causes such pain.
> This makes me wonder: can we get rid of this RULE? Eric Mertens pointed out
> a trick [1] that's used in the profunctors library to make mapping coerce
> over certain Profunctors more efficient. To adapt this trick for Functor,
> we'd need to add another class method:
>     class Functor f where
>         fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
>         (<#>) :: Coercible a b => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
>         (<#>) = \f -> \p -> p `seq` fmap f p
> Now, when implementing Functor instances, if we are working with a datatype
> whose role is representational or phantom, we can make (<#>) really fast:
>     data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
>     instance Functor List where
>         fmap = ...
>         (<#>) = coerce
> Now, instead of relying on (map MkNewtype Nil) to rewrite to Nil, we can
> just use (MkNewtype <#> Nil)! No map/coerce RULE necessary :)
> OK, I realize that suggesting that we remove the RULE is perhaps a touch
> too far. But it does sting that we have to pay hefty compilation penalties
> because of its existence...
> Ryan S.
> -----
> [1]
> Data-Profunctor-Unsafe.html#v:-35-
> .
> On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 7:25 PM, Richard Eisenberg <>
> wrote:
> >
> > > On May 31, 2017, at 5:21 PM, Ryan Scott <>
> wrote:
> > > Does you know what might be going on here?
> >
> > I think so, but I don't know how to fix it.
> >
> > The commit you found (thank you!) makes simple_opt_expr (the "simple
> > optimizer", run directly after desugaring, even with -O0) a little more
> > selective in what `case` expressions it throws away. Previous to that
> > commit, the optimizer would throw away a `case error "deferred type
> error"
> > of _ -> ...` which is terrible. It seems that you have discovered that we
> > are now too timid in throwing away unhelpful cases. It would be
> interesting
> > to know what the newly-retained cases look like, so that we might throw
> > them away.
> >
> > But there remains a mystery: Why do we need this code at all? Reading
> Note
> > [Getting the map/coerce RULE to work] closely, it seems we need to
> simplify
> >
> >   forall a b (co :: a ~R# b).
> >     let dict = MkCoercible @* @a @b co in
> >     case Coercible_SCSel @* @a @b dict of
> >       _ [Dead] -> map @a @b (\(x :: a) -> case dict of
> >          MkCoercible (co :: a ~R# b) -> x |> co) = let dict = ... in ...
> >
> > to
> >
> >   forall a b (co :: a ~R# b).
> >     map @a @b (\(x :: a) -> x |> co) = \(x :: [a]) -> x |> [co]
> >
> > Part of doing so is to drop the `case Coercible_SCSel ...`, which gets in
> > the way. The mystery is why this needs special code -- shouldn't the
> > eliminate-case-of-known-constructor do the trick? This would require
> > unfolding Coercible_SCSel. Does that happen? It would seem not... but
> maybe
> > it should, which would remove the special-case code that I changed in
> that
> > commit, and quite likely would simplify much more code besides.
> >
> > So: Is Coercible_SCSel unfolded during simple_opt? If not, what wonderful
> > or terrible things happen if we do? If so, why does
> > case-of-known-constructor not work here? My guess is that answering these
> > questions may solve the original problem, but this guess could be wrong.
> >
> > Richard
> >
> >
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