Seems that by making a class you can "prove" by requiring this isomorphism:

    class (To r ~ v, From v ~ r) -- , To (From v :: Rep a x) ~ v)
        => TypeGeneric a (r :: Rep a x) (v :: a)
        type To r :: a
        type From v :: Rep a x

See attachment or [1] for the whole file.

Cheers, Oleg


On 31.08.2017 23:22, David Feuer wrote:
> One other thing I should add. We'd really, really like to have isomorphism
> evidence:
>   toThenFrom :: pr p -> To (From x :: Rep a p) :~: (x :: a)
>   fromThenTo :: pr1 a -> pr2 (r :: Rep a p) -> From (To r :: a) :~: (r :: Rep 
> a p)
> I believe these would make the To and From families considerably more
> useful. Unfortunately, while I'm pretty sure those are completely legit for
> any Generic-derived types, I don't think there's ever any way to prove
> them in Haskell! Ugh.
> On Thursday, August 31, 2017 3:37:15 PM EDT David Feuer wrote:
>> I've been thinking for several weeks that it might be useful to offer
>> type-level generics. That is, along with
>> to :: Rep a k -> a
>> from :: a -> Rep a
>> perhaps we should also derive
>> type family To (r :: Rep a x) :: a
>> type family From (v :: a) :: Rep a x
>> This would allow us to use generic programming at the type level
>> For example, we could write a generic ordering family:
>> class OrdK (k :: Type) where
>>   type Compare (x :: k) (y :: k) :: Ordering
>>   type Compare (x :: k) (y :: k) = GenComp (Rep k ()) (From x) (From y)
>> instance OrdK Nat where
>>   type Compare x y = CmpNat x y
>> instance OrdK Symbol where
>>   type Compare x y = CmpSymbol x y
>> instance OrdK [a] -- No implementation needed!
>> type family GenComp k (x :: k) (y :: k) :: Ordering where
>>   GenComp (M1 i c f p) ('M1 x) ('M1 y) = GenComp (f p) x y
>>   GenComp (K1 i c p) ('K1 x) ('K1 y) = Compare x y
>>   GenComp ((x :+: y) p) ('L1 m) ('L1 n) = GenComp (x p) m n
>>   GenComp ((x :+: y) p) ('R1 m) ('R1 n) = GenComp (y p) m n
>>   GenComp ((x :+: y) p) ('L1 _) ('R1 _) = 'LT
>>   GenComp ((x :+: y) p) ('R1 _) ('L1 _) = 'GT
>>   GenComp ((x :*: y) p) (x1 ':*: y1) (x2 ':*: y2) =
>>     PComp (GenComp (x p) x1 x2) (y p) y1 y2
>>   GenComp (U1 p) _ _ = 'EQ
>>   GenComp (V1 p) _ _ = 'EQ
>> type family PComp (c :: Ordering) k (x :: k) (y :: k) :: Ordering where
>>   PComp 'EQ k x y = GenComp k x y
>>   PComp x _ _ _ = x
>> For people who want to play around with the idea, here are the definitions 
>> of To and From
>> for lists:
>>   To ('M1 ('L1 ('M1 'U1))) = '[]
>>   To ('M1 ('R1 ('M1 ('M1 ('K1 x) ':*: 'M1 ('K1 xs))))) = x ': xs
>>   From '[] = 'M1 ('L1 ('M1 'U1))
>>   From (x ': xs) = 'M1 ('R1 ('M1 ('M1 ('K1 x) ':*: 'M1 ('K1 xs))))
>> David
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fprint-explicit-kinds #-}
import Data.Kind
import Data.Type.Equality
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits

-- Class

class (To r ~ v, From v ~ r) -- , To (From v :: Rep a x) ~ v)
    => TypeGeneric a (r :: Rep a x) (v :: a)
    type To r :: a
    type From v :: Rep a x

-- Iso

    :: forall a x (r :: Rep a x) (v :: a) pr. TypeGeneric a r v
    => pr x
    -> To (From v :: Rep a x) :~: (v :: a)
toThenFrom _ = Refl

    :: forall a x (r :: Rep a x) (v :: a) pr1 pr2. TypeGeneric a r v
    => pr1 a -> pr2 (r :: Rep a x)
    -> From (To r :: a) :~: (r :: Rep a x)
fromThenTo _ _ = Refl

-- List

instance TypeGeneric [k] ('M1 ('L1 ('M1 'U1))) '[] where
    type To ('M1 ('L1 ('M1 'U1))) = '[]
    type From '[] = 'M1 ('L1 ('M1 'U1))

instance TypeGeneric [k] ('M1 ('R1 ('M1 ('M1 ('K1 x) ':*: 'M1 ('K1 xs))))) (x ': xs) where
    type To ('M1 ('R1 ('M1 ('M1 ('K1 x) ':*: 'M1 ('K1 xs))))) = x ': xs
    type From (x ': xs) = 'M1 ('R1 ('M1 ('M1 ('K1 x) ':*: 'M1 ('K1 xs))))

-- OrdK

class OrdK (k :: Type) where
  type Compare (x :: k) (y :: k) :: Ordering
  type Compare (x :: k) (y :: k) = GenComp (Rep k ()) (From x) (From y)

instance OrdK Nat where
  type Compare x y = CmpNat x y

instance OrdK Symbol where
  type Compare x y = CmpSymbol x y

instance OrdK [a] -- No implementation needed!

type family GenComp k (x :: k) (y :: k) :: Ordering where
  GenComp (M1 i c f p) ('M1 x) ('M1 y) = GenComp (f p) x y
  GenComp (K1 i c p) ('K1 x) ('K1 y) = Compare x y
  GenComp ((x :+: y) p) ('L1 m) ('L1 n) = GenComp (x p) m n
  GenComp ((x :+: y) p) ('R1 m) ('R1 n) = GenComp (y p) m n
  GenComp ((x :+: y) p) ('L1 _) ('R1 _) = 'LT
  GenComp ((x :+: y) p) ('R1 _) ('L1 _) = 'GT
  GenComp ((x :*: y) p) (x1 ':*: y1) (x2 ':*: y2) =
    PComp (GenComp (x p) x1 x2) (y p) y1 y2
  GenComp (U1 p) _ _ = 'EQ
  GenComp (V1 p) _ _ = 'EQ

type family PComp (c :: Ordering) k (x :: k) (y :: k) :: Ordering where
  PComp 'EQ k x y = GenComp k x y
  PComp x _ _ _ = x

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