Trying to conclude Typeable Foo (or, if expanded with
-fprint-explicit-kinds, Typeable ((forall a. a -> Maybe a) -> Type)
Foo) is beyond GHC's capabilities at the moment, as that would require
impredicative polymorphism. This problem has arose in other contexts
too—see Trac #13895 [1] for one example.

I don't think you can conclude Typeable (Foo 'Just) either, since that
requires concluding both Typeable Foo and Typeable 'Just, so you
ultimately run into the same problem.

While there an in-the-works plan to allow a limited form of
impredicativity through explicit use of visible type application [2],
my fear is that that wouldn't be enough to address the problem you've
encountered, since there's no way to visibly apply @((forall a. a ->
Maybe a) -> Type) to Typeable at the moment. To accomplish this, you
would need visible kind application [3].

Ryan S.
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