Thanks for this status report. If I'm to boil it down to the question you seem 
to be asking: What does changing EvCast ... to EvCoercion ... fix the problem? 
I'm not sure of the answer at this point, but I want to make sure I understand 
the question before I go digging for an answer. It's always possible a Note is 

Thanks for this!


> On Oct 7, 2017, at 8:19 PM, Nicolas Frisby <> wrote:
> I can happily report some progress: I'm seeing no more Core lint errors!
> 1) Thank you both Richard and Simon for your pointers -- 
> -fprint-typechecker-elaboration in particular was a revelation.
> 2) Simon, I intend to match the spirit of the favor you requested, but not to 
> the letter. My goal with this project is to write a typechecker plugin for 
> achieving row types _without_ editing GHC's source code. I'm keeping an 
> annotated bibliography of things I've studied (papers, guide/wiki/blog, 
> source Notes, etc). (It's nice to put a bunch of related notes in the same 
> text file!) I'm also logging my epiphanies, which I do intend to write-up in 
> some kind of document (probably on the dev wiki). I'm planning a section for 
> suggesting which Notes should be adjusted/expanded, but I don't anticipate 
> feeling comfortable enough to actually edit the Notes myself. This is 
> unfortunately just a hobby project. My intent is to offer you, Richard, and 
> other experts the details of what wasn't clear to me.
> 3) I confirmed that the lack of cobox uniques in the dump output was indeed 
> due to `ppr_co' deferring to `ppr @IfaceType'; it does that (at least) for 
> every coercion with a head of `TyConAppCo'. With a tiny kludgy patch I was 
> able to persist those uniques just for debugging purposes.
> 4) My top-level error is an "out of scope cobox" Lint error, but (once I 
> patched the dumper) the output of -fprint-typechecker-elaboration showed 
> sufficient bindings for all of the cobox occurrences, even the one that the 
> Lint error was flagging! Stymied, I finally did a -DDEBUG build of the 
> ghc-8.2.2-rc1 tag and used that. It ultimately lead to me finding my 
> mistakes. (New wisdom: always use a DEBUG build when authoring a plugin. (... 
> Duh.))
> 4a) ASSERT failures showed that I was invoking `substTy' without correctly 
> initializing the `InScopeSet'. I also was ignorant that I should be using 
> `extendTvSubstAndInScope' instead of just `extendTvSubst'. I don't think this 
> was relevant to my particular Lint error, but I fixed it if only to see 
> further ASSERT failures.
> 4b) Fixing my `InScopeSet's ASSERT failure revealed another: `extendIdSubst' 
> was being called with a CoVar! That's something that my plugin code 
> absolutely does not do, so at that point I knew that some higher-level 
> operation I was doing was knocking the rest of GHC's pipeline off the rails. 
> (In particular, I traced this ASSERT callstack to extendIdSubst called from 
> simpleOptExpr called from mkInlineUnfoldingWithArity called from DsBinds. I 
> stopped there.)
> 5) The first suspect turned out to be the culprit: I was using my plugin's 
> by-fiat coercions in the most naive possible way, always simply `EvCast ev 
> (fiatCoercion ty0 ty1)`. In particular, I was even doing that to create new 
> Given unlifted equality witnesses from existing Given unlifted equality 
> witnesses when simplifying Given constraints (e.g. for example reducing a 
> plugin-specific type family application on one side of an unlifted equality 
> type ~#).
> In summary, I see no more ASSERT failures or Lint errors having now changed 
> my plugin to prefer `EvCoercion (TransCo U (TransCo co U))` to `EvCast 
> (EvCoercion co) U`. The actual diff excerpt is here: 
> <>
> I have not figured out exactly why that change matters, but it does seem a 
> reasonable preference to require. In particular, Note [Coercion evidence 
> terms] in TcEvidence.hs explicitly says that `EvCast (EvCoercion co1) co2` is 
> a valid form of evidence for ~#. So perhaps that Note deserves elaboration 
> --- I'm guessing the missing part may be specific to Givens?
> -Nick
> On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 2:59 AM Simon Peyton Jones < 
> <>> wrote:
> Some thoughts
> Read Note [Coercion holes] in TyCoRep.
> As you’ll see, generally we don’t create value-bindings for (unboxed) 
> coercions of type t1 ~# t2.  (yes for boxed ones t1 ~ t2).     Reasons in the 
> Note.  Exception: for superclasses of Givens we do create    (co :: a ~# b) = 
> sc_sel1 d
> where d is some dictionary with a superclass of type (a ~# b).
> Side note: the use of “cobox” is wildly unhelpful.  These Ids are 
> specifically unboxed!  I’m going to change it to just “co”.
> You appear to have bindings like[G]  cobox_a67J = CO Sym cobox_a654.  That is 
> suspicious.  Who is creating them?  It may not actually be wrong but it’s 
> suspicious.  The time it’d be outright wrong is if you dropped the ev-binds 
> on the floor.
> Ha!  runTcSEqualites makes up an ev_binds_var, and solves the equalities – 
> but it should be the case that no value bindings end up in the ev_binds_var.  
> (reason: we are solving equalities in a type signature, so there is no place 
> to put the evidence bindigns)   I suggest you add a DEBUG-only assertion to 
> check this.
> Do -ddump-tc -fprint-typechecker-elaboration; that should show you the 
> evidence binds.
> Can I ask you a favour?  Separately from your branch, can you start a branch 
> of small patches to GHC that include
> Extra assertions, such as that above
> Notes that explain things you wish you’d known earlier, with references to 
> those Notes from the places you were studying when you that information would 
> have been useful
> Richard and I know too much! – your learning curve is very valuable and I 
> don’t want to lose it.
> Keeping this separate from your branch is useful : you can commit (via Phab) 
> these updates right away, so they aren’t predicated on adding row types to 
> GHC.
> Simon
> From: ghc-devs [ 
> <>] On Behalf Of Nicolas Frisby
> Sent: 19 September 2017 16:51
> To: <>
> Subject: Invariants about UnivCo?
> [I summarize with some direct questions at the bottom of this email.]
> I spent time last night trying to eliminate -dcore-lint errors from my record 
> and variant library using the coxswain row types plugin. I made some 
> progress, but I'm currently stuck, as discussed on this github Issue.
> <>
> Here's the relevant bit:
> The latest unresolved -dcore-lint error is an out-of-scope cobox co var. I'm 
> certainly not creating it directly (there are no U(plugin:coxswain,... in the 
> Core Lint warning), but I have to wonder if my somewhat loose use of UnivCo 
> is violating some assumptions somewhere that's causing GHC to drop the co var 
> binding or overlook this occurrence of it on a renaming/subst pass. I checked 
> UnivCo for source comments looking for anything it should not be used for, 
> but I didn't find an obvious explanation along those lines.  
> I haven't yet been able to effectively distill the test case.
> I'm doing this all at -O0.
> With `-ddump-tc-trace`, I can see the offending cobox (cobox_a67M) is present 
> in an "implication evbinds" listing after a "solveImplication end }" 
> delimiter, but that's the last obvious binding of it.
>                          [G] cobox_a67J = CO Sym cobox_a654,
>                          [G] cobox_a67M
>                            = cobox_a67J `cast` U(plugin:coxswain,...)
> cobox_a654 is introduced by a GADT pattern match. 
> I'm also not seeing obvious occurrences of cobox_a67M, but I think the reason 
> is that I'm seeing several (Sym cobox) with no uniques printed (even with 
> `-dppr-debug`). Those are probably the cobox in question, but I can't confirm.
> Questions:
> 1) Is there a robust way to ensure that covar's uniques are always printed? 
> (Is the pprIface reuse  with a free cobox part of the issue here?)
> 2) Is my plugin asking for this kind of trouble by using UnivCo to cast 
> coboxes?
> 3) If I spent the effort to create non-UnivCo coercions where possible, would 
> that likely help? This is currently an "eventually" task, but I haven't seen 
> an urgency for it yet. I could bump its priority if it might help. E.G. I'm 
> using UnivCo to cast entire givens when all I'm doing is reducing a type 
> family application somewhere "deep" within the given's predtype. I could, 
> with considerable effort, instead wrap a single, localized UnivCo within a 
> bunch of non-UnivCo "lifting" coercion constructors. Would that likely help?
> 3) Is there a usual suspect for this kind of situation where a cobox binding 
> is seemingly dropped (by the typechecker) even though there's an occurrence 
> of it?
> Thank you for your time. -Nick
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