Over the past week I've started digging into the code that implements pattern 
synonyms with an eye toward implementing the pattern synonym construction 
function signature proposal. I think I understand a decent amount of what's 
going on most places. However, I don't understand enough about type checking to 
have any idea about what needs to change where or how. There are several things 
that need to be addressed:
0. Parsing. I wasn't actually able to find the code that parses pattern 
synonyms. Can someone point me in the right direction?
1. When there is a constructor signature, it needs to be used for the 
construction function instead of the pattern signature. Can someone give point 
me in the right direction about how to do this?
2. When there is a constructor signature but no pattern signature, what should 
we do? I think "give up" sounds okay for now.
3. A pattern synonym without a constructor signature needs to be treated as it 
is today, so the machinery for matching things up needs to remain available.
David FeuerWell-Typed, LLP
ghc-devs mailing list

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