> [Ryan Scott:]
> In other words, this would work provided that you'd be willing to list
> every single instance of `HasSrcSpan` in its own COMPLETE set. It's
> tedious, but possible.

Yes, for the cases where `LL` is used monomorphically, we can use the
per-instance COMPLETE pragma, but it does not scale to the generic
cases where `LL` is used polymorphically.
Consider the following where `Exp` and `Pat` are both instances of `HasSrcSpan`:
{-# COMPLETE LL :: Exp #-}
{-# COMPLETE LL :: Pat #-}

unLocExp :: Exp -> Exp
unLocExp (LL _ m) = m

unLocPat :: Pat -> Pat
unLocPat (LL _ m) = m

unLocGen :: HasLoc a => a -> SrcSpanLess a
unLocGen (LL _ m) = m

In the functions `unLocExp` and `unLocPat`, the related COMPLETE
pragmas rightly avoid the false incomplete pattern matching warnings.

However, to avoid the false incomplete pattern matching warning in
`unLocGen`, either I should add a catch-all case
  `unLocGen _ = error "Impossible!"`
or expose the internal view patterns and hence break the abstraction
  `unLocGen (decomposeSrcSpan->(_ , m)) = m`

We want to avoid both solutions and unfortunately, this problem arises
frequently enough.
For example, in GHC, there are plenty of such generic cases (e.g.,
`sL1` or the like in the parser).

I believe the source of the issue is what you just mentioned:

> [Ryan Scott:]
> Complete sets of patterns must be identified relative to a type.

Technically `HasSrcSpan a0  |- a0` is a type, for a Skolem variable
`a0`; I understand if you mean relative to a concrete type, but I
don't understand why (I have no experience with GHC's totality checker
Why can't it be syntactic? We should allow programmers to express
things like "when you see `LL` treat the related pattern matching
group as total".

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 4:40 PM Ryan Scott <ryan.gl.sc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You *can* put `LL` into a COMPLETE set, but under the stipulation that
> you specify which type constructor it's monomorphized to. To quote the
> wiki page on COMPLETE sets:
>     In the case where all the patterns are polymorphic, a user must
> provide a type signature but we accept the definition regardless of
> the type signature they provide. The type constructor for the whole
> set of patterns is the type constructor as specified by the user. If
> the user does not provide a type signature then the definition is
> rejected as ambiguous.
>     This design is a consequence of the design of the pattern match
> checker. Complete sets of patterns must be identified relative to a
> type. This is a sanity check as users would never be able to match on
> all constructors if the set of patterns is inconsistent in this
> manner.
> In other words, this would work provided that you'd be willing to list
> every single instance of `HasSrcSpan` in its own COMPLETE set. It's
> tedious, but possible.
> Ryan S.
> -----
> [1] https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/PatternSynonyms/CompleteSigs#Typing
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