I have to admit I sympathize with Moritz's view. Since `-c` only "subsumes" the case where we call 'configure' with no extra env var or argument, and in the absence of a generic way to pass options to 'configure' when using -c, I'd quite like to keep -c as a "cherry on top", for users who just need to boot and configure with the default arguments and for whom hadrian provides a way to save a few keystrokes. Just like Moritz, I'm not even sure it would make all that much sense to provide a way to pass configure arguments through hadrian, I have a hard time seeing a better UX than just running configure with the extra arguments directly and _then_ calling hadrian to start the build.

On 15/03/2019 14:35, Moritz Angermann wrote:
Hi Arnaud,

On Mar 15, 2019, at 8:32 PM, Spiwack, Arnaud <arnaud.spiw...@tweag.io> wrote:

On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 7:20 PM Herbert Valerio Riedel <hvrie...@gmail.com> 
I don't have the ticket number at my fingertips but it should be fairly easy to 

I'm afraid it doesn't appear to be. Could you share your arguments in this 
This was the last one that lead to the current `-c` state:
- https://github.com/snowleopard/hadrian/issues/457
There is also
- https://github.com/snowleopard/hadrian/issues/655

if you look through the issues on snowleopard/hadrian and sort by comment 
you'll likely find quite a lot of further discussion about not making configure 
boot the default.

On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 3:10 AM Moritz Angermann <moritz.angerm...@gmail.com> 
It's magically conflating two different phases with `-c`. The configure phase 
the build phase. Making this the default means it's always magic. I don't like 

Unfortunately, I really don't understand what you are saying. What's magic 
about combining the phases?
We have two phases:

Phase 1: autoconf

   This phase is essentially a code-generation phase, where specific templates 
   instantiated to configure time value.  Which again can be split into two 

   - Generation of the configure script from the configure.ac and aclocal.m4 
     using autoconf.
   - Generating code using the configure script by computing configure time 
     and filling those into the `.in` files producing the files that lack the 

Phase 2: building

   This has been traditionally the job of make, and this is what hadrian should

By subsuming the configure phase (by invoking ./configure) from hadrian we loose
the phase distinction and if the `-c` flag is optional, users will *not even 
a flag that indicates that the system will run `./configure` for them. This is 
magic I'm referring to and to which I strongly object.  If we can retire 
and do the whole configuration in hadrian, that story may change.  But as long 
we are using an autoconf based configuration we should *not* run that magically.
The `-c` flag is at least there to show that hadrian is explicilty instructed to
run configure.

./configure supports its own set of flags, if hadrian subsumes those, we'd need
some generic way of passing flags to ./configure, at which point I have to ask
why do we do this in the first place and try to call ./configure from within 

Unless you want to reconfigure ghc, or hack on it's autoconf part, you are 
going to run the following only:

./boot --hadrian
./configure <your flags of choice>
./hadrian/build.sh -j<N> ...
./hadrian/build.sh -j<N> ...
./hadrian/build.sh -j<N> ...
./hadrian/build.sh -j<N> ...

the configure step is required, and should be explicit. That is where you 
your ghc build. Set host/build/target values, and other configure flags that
influence how you want your ghc to be configure. Hadrian is there to build that
configuration.  Mixing both may be convenient but hides the fact that there is a
./configure step.  I consider this hiding to be magic which is meant to benefit 
user but hides what's really going on.  And again I don't like magic.


PS: we also don't hide the `./configure` step in the usual `./configure <args> 
&& make -j`
     instructions when building other software, even though you could surely 
hack that into
     your Makefile if you so wanted to.  Why start with ghc now?

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