. I went looking in the GHC source, only to discover that you, Simon, are 
apparently deeply 
 of typechecker plugins that solve derived constraints!

What a good thing I left _some_ breadcrumbs to follow!

I think my suspicion were about two separate matters

  *   We should not need to delete solved _givens_ from the inert set.  We can 
augment givens with extra facts, but deleting them seems wrong.
  *   There should be no Derived constraints in the inert set anyway.  They 
should all be in the WantedConstraints passed to runTcPluginsWanted.    They 
were extracted from the inert set, along with the Deriveds, by 
getUnsolvedInerts in solve_simple_wanteds
I can’t account for what’s happening to your Deriveds, but if you do some more 
detective work, I’m happy to play consultant.

Though, for what it’s worth, I think it would be even more helpful if some of 
the relevant information made its way into the GHC user’s guide, since I found 
that more discoverable than the wiki page (which took a comparatively large 
amount of digging to locate).

By definition you are better placed that any of us to know where to put this 
info -- after all, you know where you looked!   It would be a great service to 
everyone if you wrote a new chapter for the user guide, drawing on material 
that already exists -- and then signposted that new chapter from the existing 
wiki page.

Adding signposts to the wiki page too would be helpful, since it was hard to 



From: Alexis King <lexi.lam...@gmail.com>
Sent: 02 August 2019 05:31
To: Simon Peyton Jones <simo...@microsoft.com>
Cc: ghc-devs@haskell.org
Subject: Re: Properly writing typechecker plugins

My thanks to you, Simon, for your prompt response. After reading your message, 
I realized I perhaps read too far into this sentence on the wiki page:

Defining type families in plugins is more work than it needs to be, because the 
current interface forces the plugin to search the unsolved constraints for the 
type family in question (which might be anywhere within the types), then emit a 
new given constraint to reduce the type family.

Emphasis mine. Although that sentence seems to imply that adding given 
constraints from a typechecker plugin is both possible and sanctioned, your 
message, my experimentation, and the GHC source code all seem to agree that is 
not true, after all. After realizing that was a dead end, I puzzled for some 
time on how one is intended to solve nested type families after all, only to 
realize that a proper solution is simpler than I had realized.

To make things more concrete, I was confused about how my plugin might solve a 
constraint like

[W] {co_0} :: F (ToLower "Foo") ~# Length "bar"

if it knows about ToLower and Length but nothing about F. The solution is 
actually extremely straightforward to implement, but the idea was not at all 
obvious to me at first. Namely, it’s possible to just recursively walk the 
whole type and solve any known families bottom-up, producing a new constraint:

[W] {co_1} :: F "foo" ~# 3

At the same time, to construct evidence for the first constraint, the recursive 
function can also build a coercion as it goes, producing

co_2 = (F (Univ :: "foo" ~ ToLower "Foo")) ~# (Univ :: 3 ~ Length "bar")

which can be used to cast the evidence for the new constraint to evidence for 
the old one:

co_0 := co_2 ; {co_1}

That all seems to be working well, and it’s much nicer than whatever it was I 
was trying before. There’s one small wrinkle I’ve bumped into, however, which 
was preventing the solver from terminating. Specifically, typechecker plugins 
do not seem to be able to solve derived constraints.

To elaborate, my plugin was getting called with the constraint [D] (Length "f" 
~ 1), which it was happily turning into [D] (1 ~ 1), but the derived constraint 
was never removed from the inert set, and it would produce new [D] (1 ~ 1) 
constraints forever. I went looking in the GHC source, only to discover that 
you, Simon, are apparently deeply 
 of typechecker plugins that solve derived constraints! I don’t know if there’s 
a reason behind that—maybe I’m going about things the wrong way, and I 
shouldn’t need to solve those derived constraints—but in the meantime, I added 
some kludgey mutable state to keep track of the derived constraints my plugin 
has already attempted to solve so it won’t try to solve them again.

Anyway, that aside, if anyone finds what I’ve written in this email helpful, I 
can certainly flesh it out a bit more and stick it in a wiki page somewhere. 
Though, for what it’s worth, I think it would be even more helpful if some of 
the relevant information made its way into the GHC user’s guide, since I found 
that more discoverable than the wiki page (which took a comparatively large 
amount of digging to locate).

Thanks again,

On Aug 1, 2019, at 03:01, Simon Peyton Jones 
<simo...@microsoft.com<mailto:simo...@microsoft.com>> wrote:


Thanks for writing this up so carefully.  I hope that others will join in.   
And please then put the distilled thought onto the wiki page(s) so they are not 

Some quick thoughts from me:

  *   Flattening.  I’m pretty sure we pass constraints unflattened because 
that’s what someone wanted at  the time.  It could easily be changed, but it 
might complicate the API.  E.g. you might reasonably want to know the mapping 
from type variable to function application. There is no fundameental obstacle.

  *   Letting the plugin add given constraints.  This looks a bit like: let the 
plugin prove lemmas and hand them back to GHC (along with their proof) to 
exploit. Yes, that seems reasonable too.  Again, something new in the API.

I don’t understand enough of your type-class instance question to comment 
meaningfully, but perhaps others will.

Nothing about the plugin interface is cast in stone.  There are quite a few 
“customers” but few enough that they’ll probably be happy to adapt to changes.  
 Go for it, in consultation with them!


From: ghc-devs 
<ghc-devs-boun...@haskell.org<mailto:ghc-devs-boun...@haskell.org>> On Behalf 
Of Alexis King
Sent: 01 August 2019 07:55
To: ghc-devs@haskell.org<mailto:ghc-devs@haskell.org>
Subject: Properly writing typechecker plugins

Hi all,

I have recently decided to try writing a GHC typechecker plugin so I can get my 
hands on some extra operations on type-level strings. My plugin works, but only 
sort of—I know some things about it are plain wrong, and I have a sneaking 
suspicion that plenty of other things are not handled properly.

First, some context about what I do and don’t already know: I have a high-level 
understanding of the basic concepts behind GHC’s solver. I understand what 
evidence is and what purpose it serves, I mostly understand the different 
flavors of constraints, and I think I have a decent grasp on some of the 
operational details of how individual passes work. I’ve spent a little time 
reading through comments in the GHC source code, along with pieces of the 
source code itself, but I’m sure my understanding is pretty patchy.

With that out of the way, here are my questions:

  1.  First, I’m trying to understand: why are wanted constraints passed to 
typechecker plugins unflattened? This is my single biggest point of confusion. 
It certainly seems like the opposite of what I want. Consider that I have a 
type family

    type family ToUpper (s :: Symbol) :: Symbol where {}

that I wish to solve in my plugin. At first, I just naïvely looked through the 
bag of wanted constraints and looked for constraints of the shape

    t ~ ToUpper s

but this isn’t good enough, since my plugin regularly receives constraints that 
look more like

    t ~ SomeOtherTypeFamily (ToUpper s)

so I have to recursively grovel through every type equality constraint looking 
for an application of a family I care about. Furthermore, once I’ve found one, 
I’m not sure how to actually let GHC know that I’ve solved it—do I really have 
to just generate a new given constraint and let GHC’s solver connect the dots?

I have seen the note on the typechecker plugins wiki 
 about possibly baking support for type families into the plugin interface, 
which would indeed be nicer than the status quo, but it seems odd to me that 
they aren’t just passed to plugins flattened, which seems like it would spare a 
lot of effort. Isn’t the flattened representation really what typechecker 
plugins would like to see, anyway?
  2.  But let’s put families aside for a moment. I’m not just solving type 
families in my plugin, I’m also solving classes. These classes have no methods, 
but they do have functional dependencies. For example, I have a class

    class Append (a :: Symbol) (b :: Symbol) (c :: Symbol) | a b -> c, a c -> 
b, b c -> a

which is like GHC.TypeLits.AppendSymbol, but the fundeps make GHC a bit happier 
when running it “backwards” (since GHC doesn’t really know about AppendSymbol’s 
magical injectivity, so it sometimes complains).

In any case, I was hoping that GHC’s solver would handle the improvement 
afforded by the fundeps for me once I provided evidence for Append constraints, 
but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Currently, I am therefore manually 
generating derived constraints based on the functional dependency information, 
plumbing FunDepOrigin2 through and all. Is there some way to cooperate better 
with GHC’s solver so I don’t have to duplicate all that logic in my plugin?

I guess one thing I didn’t try is returning given constraints from my solver 
instead of just solving them and providing evidence. That is, if my plugin 
received a

    [W] d1 :: Append "foo" "bar" c

constraint, then instead of solving the constraint directly, I could leave it 
alone and instead return a new constraint

    [G] d2 :: Append "foo" "bar" "baz"

and presumably GHC’s solver would use that constraint to improve and solve d1. 
But similar to my confusion about type families above, I’m uncertain if that’s 
the intended method or not, since it seems like it’s sort of circumventing the 
plugin API.
  3.  Finally, on a related note, building evidence for these solver-generated 
typeclass instances is a bit of a pain. They have no methods, but they do 
sometimes have superclasses. Currently, I’ve been generating CoreExprs as 
carefully as I’m able to after reading through the desugaring code: I call 
dataConWrapId on the result of classDataCon, then use mkTyConApp and mkCoreApps 
on that directly. It seems to work okay now, but it didn’t always: -dcore-lint 
thankfully caught my mistakes, but I’ve been wondering if there’s a safer way 
to build the dictionary that I’ve been missing.

That’s it for now—I’ve just been muddling through until things work. Once I get 
something that feels closer to right, maybe I’ll put the code somewhere and ask 
for more low-level comments if anyone would like to take the time to offer 
them, but for now, I’m still working on the high-level ideas. The wiki pages 
I’ve found have been very helpful; my appreciation to all who have contributed 
to them!

Many thanks,

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