> On Jan 29, 2020, at 03:32, Simon Peyton Jones <simo...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> Suppose a thread happens to be evaluating a pure thunk for (factorial 200). 
> […] This stack-freezing stuff is definitely implemented.

That’s fascinating! I had no idea, but your explanation makes sense (as do the 
papers you linked). That is definitely promising, as it seems like many of the 
tricky cases may already be accounted for? I’ll see if I can follow the Cmm 
code well enough to hunt down how it’s implemented.

One other thing I have been thinking about: this is completely incompatible 
with the state hack, isn’t it? That is not a showstopper, of course—I do not 
intend to suggest that continuations be capturable in ordinary IO—but it does 
mean I probably want a way to selectively opt out. (But I’ll worry about that 
if I ever get that far.)

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