Spot on Alexis.    Should not be hard to fix this.

I think the best thing would be in mkCallUDs

  *   not to use SpecDict for implicit parameters; instead use UnspecArg
  *   don’t require length theta = length dicts.  Need to think about what else 
instead.  Isn’t it implied by the arity test?

Make a ticket!  Happy to help if you or Sandy need anything from me.


From: ghc-devs <> On Behalf Of Alexis King
Sent: 15 March 2020 02:47
To: Sandy Maguire <>
Cc: ghc-devs <>
Subject: Re: Specializing functions with implicit parameters

On Mar 14, 2020, at 20:03, Sandy Maguire 
<<>> wrote:

What GHC are you testing against? I suspect<>
 will fix this.

I’ve tested against HEAD. I think the change you link is helpful, but it 
doesn’t quite get there: the usage gets dumped before specHeader even gets a 
chance to look at the call. The relevant bit of code is here:<>

Specifically, this line seals the deal:

    ClassPred cls _ -> not (isIPClass cls)  -- Superclasses can't be IPs

So maybe the right fix is just to change the role of type_determines_value so 
that it turns SpecDicts into UnspecArgs, and then with your change everything 
would just happily work out.
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