This sounds great!

Event logging needn't add much cost if we don't log much -- eg just compiler 
phases.  It simply depends on how many events you generate!

For naïve uses, the log you show in [9] is a bit complicated.  Something even 
simpler might be good.


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: ghc-devs <> On Behalf Of Andreas
|  Klebinger
|  Sent: 01 May 2020 11:04
|  To: Sergej Jaskiewicz <>
|  Cc:
|  Subject: Re: [RFC] Compiler pipeline timings visualization
|  Hi Sergej,
|  I think this is a good idea in general, and it seems you did some great
|  work there already.
|  Something like this can also help with pinpointing performance issues
|  inside the compiler
|  so would not just be useful to end users.
|  intuitively I would assume that instead of adding another way
|  to produce compiler events we should:
|  * Ship GHC with eventlog enabled by default
|  * Provide an official converter from eventLog to the chrome trace format.
|  The eventlog format is quite flexible, and if it's unsuitable to what
|  you want I would
|  prefer to extend it rather than adding support for additional formats
|  inside GHC itself.
|  This way we:
|  * Continue to have one unified way to dump events from haskell apps (the
|  eventlog)
|  * Users need not go to third party apps, as the converter could
|  reasonably come with GHC (like hp2ps)
|  * We are free to include information that can't (easily) be encoded in
|  the chrome format.
|  The downside is that users will have to invoke ghc, followed by some
|  other tool to get the
|  chrome trace, but to me that seems like a worthwhile tradeoff for
|  keeping the compiler and
|  various visualization formats somewhat separated.
|  The obvious question there is how much enabling the eventlog by default
|  would impact non-logging ghc
|  invocations. I have not measured this and it might rule out this
|  approach if it has a big impact and isn't
|  easily corrected.
|  As a last point I want to encourage you to open a ticket about this.
|  Mailing list threads tend to be harder to follow and find down the line
|  then tickets in my experience.
|  Cheers,
|  Andreas
|  Sergej Jaskiewicz via ghc-devs schrieb am 01.05.2020 um 11:09:
|  > tl;dr: I propose adding a new GHC flag for generating a log that allows
|  > visualizing how much time each stage in the compiler pipleline took,
|  similar
|  > to Clang's -ftime-trace.
|  >
|  > Hello, everyone.
|  >
|  > I'd like to tell you about a feature I've been working on recently,
|  namely,
|  > the ability to generate and visualize how long each stage of the
|  compilation
|  > pipeline takes to complete. This is basically about the same as
|  > the -ftime-trace flag that has landed in Clang several months ago [1].
|  >
|  > The initial motivation for this feature was the desire to understand
|  why
|  > compilation times are so long when using LLVM as backend. But later I
|  realized
|  > that this functionality is useful on its own for end users, not just
|  GHC devs,
|  > so it would make sense to add a new flag -ddump-time-trace.
|  >
|  > Since not only does Haskell have complex type system, but also there is
|  > a variety of language extensions, we, the Haskell users, often
|  experience
|  > very long compilation times. For instance, the usage of the
|  TypeFaimilies
|  > extension can considerably slow down the compilation process [2].
|  > It is useful to understand how you can fix your code so that it
|  compiles faster.
|  >
|  > There are two options for that right now:
|  > - Building GHC from source for profiling and using the just-built GHC
|  for
|  >    compiling your problem code.
|  > - Building the compiler from source with event log support [3].
|  >
|  > The former option just doesn't do it, since the output would be
|  > "which GHC function calls took how much time", but there'd be no
|  information
|  > about which part of the user code was being compiled.
|  >
|  > The latter option is much closer to what we need. If we link the GHC
|  executable
|  > with the -eventlog flag, then various significant events will be
|  written to
|  > a special log file. For example, "Parser began parsing the Main.hs file
|  after
|  > 5 ms since GHC has started, and ended parsing it 3 ms after that".
|  > The resulting log file can be parsed with the ghc-events library [4],
|  and also
|  > visualized using the ThreadScope app [5].
|  >
|  > Bu this approach has its disadvantages.
|  >
|  > Firstly, if the user wants visualization, they'd have to install
|  ThreadScope.
|  > Some companies' internal policies prohibit installing third-party apps
|  from
|  > the internet. It would be good if we could generate a log that could be
|  > visualized on any computer with a browser. For that we could use
|  > the Chrome Trace Event format [6]. This is an ordinary JSON file with a
|  specific
|  > structure that can be viewed in the Chrome browser by going to
|  > the chrome://tracing page, or on A file in
|  exactly this
|  > format would be generated by Clang if you passed it the -ftime-trace
|  flag.
|  >
|  > Secondly, the event log contains many events that are not relevant to
|  the end
|  > user, for example, thread creation, memory allocation, etc.
|  >
|  > As an initial proof of concept, I've developed a command line tool for
|  > transforming event log files to Chrome Trace Event files [7].
|  >
|  > Thirdly, in order for the event log to be generated, you'd still have
|  to build
|  > GHC from source. The majority of the GHC users won't go this way. Not
|  only
|  > would it require some basic understanding of the GHC building process,
|  but also
|  > building itself takes quite some time. It would be great if the needed
|  > functionality came with GHC out of the box.
|  >
|  > This is why I've added support for generating Trace Event files into my
|  fork
|  > of GHC [8], and I would like to propose including this feature into the
|  mainline
|  > GHC.
|  >
|  > (Note that my implementation is still a bit buggy, for example, it only
|  works
|  > in -j mode. This will be fixed.)
|  >
|  > You can now execute the following command:
|  >
|  > ghc -ddump-to-file -ddump-file-prefix="Main." -ddump-time-trace -j -O3
|  Main.hs
|  >
|  > And receive this image [9]. Here, we've compiled two modules, one of
|  which
|  > depends on the other.
|  >
|  > One more difference from event log is that now various metadata
|  > (like file and module names) are emitted as a separate JSON attribute,
|  instead
|  > of being encoded in the name of an event. For example, parsing the
|  Main.hs file
|  > and parsing the QSort.hs file in one compilation are events with the
|  same name,
|  > but different metadata. We can group them together if we want to know
|  how much
|  > time the parsing took overall. The event log format doesn't allow us to
|  do it.
|  >
|  > So, we can now generate a Trace Event file from a single GHC
|  invocation.
|  > However, most projects use build systems that invoke the compiler many
|  times.
|  > It would be good if we could form a log for the whole project.
|  >
|  > This is solved by merging logs. However, there is one subtlety: the
|  events in
|  > logs use relative timestamps (the number of microseconds since the
|  process
|  > has started). To combine logs from multiple processes, we add a clock
|  > synchronization point into each trace log in the form of an additional
|  > 'beginningOfTime' JSON attribute that contains the absolute time when
|  > the proccess has started.
|  >
|  > There is a Python script that performs the actual merging [10].
|  >
|  > This is how it looks like with multiple processes [11].
|  >
|  > Also, I've implemented generation of the 'beginningOfTime' attribute in
|  > LLVM [12], so build systems could take advantage of that and combine
|  GHC trace
|  > logs with llc/opt trace logs when GHC uses LLVM as backend.
|  >
|  > Thoughts?
|  >
|  > Sergej.
|  >
|  > [1]
|  chart-profiler-for-Clang/
|  > [2]
|  > [3]
|  > [4]
|  > [5]
|  > [6]
|  PhYUmn5OOQtYMH4h6I0nSsKchNAySU/edit
|  > [7]
|  > [8]
|  better-metadata
|  > [9]
|  39775e00-7d19-11ea-9507-eb0f11581c63.png
|  > [10]
|  > [11]
|  ad673580-7d1c-11ea-9e30-5e6f72e77555.png
|  > [12]
|  project/commit/2899103108d38215af8aae377cd0e54794278209
|  >
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|  > ghc-devs mailing list
|  >
|  >
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