Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs <> writes:

> Ben and other friends
> What is the approved way to build libraries with (and for) a compiler that 
> I've just built?
> I tried this:
> bash$ cabal v2-install 
> --with-ghc=/home/simonpj/code/ghc-9.2-branch/inplace/bin/ghc-stage2 streamly 
> --allow-newer
> but it failed with
> Data/Primitive/Types.hs:273:844: error:
>     * Couldn't match expected type 'Word#' with actual type 'Word8#'
>     * In the fourth argument of 'shimmedSetWord8Array#', namely 'x#'

As noted by others, we maintain head.hackage for precisely this reason.
It's not perfect, but I use it regularly to build Hackage packages with

I have a draft blog post (which sadly has run into technical challenges
which have prevented publishing) which describes usage [1].


- Ben


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