And this is a good example of how both using and having an official matrix bridge with a nice name can help more people use IRC too!

On 6/6/21 2:10 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
Pasting directly into the channel is generally a no-no on IRC. Things like Matrix or IRCCloud convert to pastebins automatically.

On Sun, Jun 6, 2021 at 2:07 PM Viktor Dukhovni < <>> wrote:

    On 19 May 2021, at 11:48 am, Carter Schonwald
    < <>>

    > I personally vote for irc.  Perhaps via Libera.

    Perhaps I'm too much of an IRC noob, but I still found it it rather
    surprising to be banned from (my IP is blacklisted) for
    pasting a 25-line build script for building GHC via hadrian on FreeBSD
    into the #ghc channel.

    This was in response to a discussion about issues with the bindist,
    how the port is built, ... and while perhaps I'm expected to use a
    paste bin, the abrupt ban was rather a harsh response.

    The ban appears to have been "temporary", an hour or so later I am
    able to reconnect, but this does not leave a good impression.

--         Viktor.
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brandon s allbery kf8nh <>

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