There is absolutely no reason not to common-up those to join points.  But we 
can't common up some join points when we could if they were let's.  Consider

join j1 x = x+1
in case v of
      A -> f (join j2 x = x+1 in ...j2...)
      B -> ....j1...
      C -> ....j1...

Even though j2 is identical to j1's, we can't eliminate j2 in favour of j1 
because then j1 wouldn't be a join point any more.

GHC.Core.Opt.CSE is conservative at the moment, and never CSE's *any* join 
point.  It would not be hard to make it clever enough to CSE join points, but 
no one has yet done it.

Do open a ticket!


PS: I am leaving Microsoft at the end of November 2021, at which point will cease to work.  Use 
instead.  (For now, it just forwards to

| -----Original Message-----
| From: ghc-devs <> On Behalf Of Viktor
| Dukhovni
| Sent: 20 November 2021 00:57
| To:
| Subject: [EXTERNAL] Unexpected duplicate join points in "Core" output?
| The below "Core" output from "ghc -O2" (9.2/8.10) for the attached
| program shows seemingly rendundant join points:
|       join {
|         exit :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
|         exit (ipv :: State# RealWorld) = jump $s$j ipv } in
|       join {
|         exit1 :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
|         exit1 (ipv :: State# RealWorld) = jump $s$j ipv } in
| that are identical in all but name.  These correspond to fallthrough to
| the "otherwise" case in:
|            ...
|            | acc < q || (acc == q && d <= 5)
|              -> loop (ptr `plusPtr` 1) (acc * 10 + d)
|            | otherwise -> return Nothing
| but it seems that the generated X86_64 code (also below) ultimately
| consolidates these into a single target... Is that why it is harmless
| to leave these duplicated in the generated "Core"?
| [ Separately, in the generated machine code, it'd also be nice to avoid
|   comparing the same "q" with the accumulator twice.  A single load and
|   compare should I think be enough, as I'd expect the status flags to
|   persist across the jump the second test.
|   This happens to not be performance critical in my case, because most
|   calls should satisfy the first test, but generally I think that 3-way
|   "a < b", "a == b", "a > b" branches ideally avoid comparing twice...
| ]
| ======== Associated Core output
|     -- RHS size: {terms: 1, types: 0, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
|     main2 :: Addr#
|     main2 = "12345678901234567890 junk"#
|     -- RHS size: {terms: 129, types: 114, coercions: 0, joins: 6/8}
|     main1 :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
|     main1
|       = \ (eta :: State# RealWorld) ->
|           let {
|             end :: Addr#
|             end = plusAddr# main2 25# } in
|           join {
|             $s$j :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
|             $s$j _ = hPutStr2 stdout $fShowMaybe4 True eta } in
|           join {
|             exit :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
|             exit (ipv :: State# RealWorld) = jump $s$j ipv } in
|           join {
|             exit1 :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
|             exit1 (ipv :: State# RealWorld) = jump $s$j ipv } in
|           join {
|             exit2
|               :: Addr# -> Word# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State#
| RealWorld, () #)
|             exit2 (ww :: Addr#) (ww1 :: Word#) (ipv :: State#
| RealWorld)
|               = case eqAddr# ww main2 of {
|                   __DEFAULT ->
|                     hPutStr2
|                       stdout
|                       (++
|                          $fShowMaybe1
|                          (case $w$cshowsPrec3 11# (integerFromWord#
| ww1) [] of
|                           { (# ww3, ww4 #) ->
|                           : ww3 ww4
|                           }))
|                       True
|                       eta;
|                   1# -> jump $s$j ipv
|                 } } in
|           joinrec {
|             $wloop
|               :: Addr# -> Word# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State#
| RealWorld, () #)
|             $wloop (ww :: Addr#) (ww1 :: Word#) (w :: State# RealWorld)
|               = join {
|                   getDigit :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld,
| () #)
|                   getDigit (eta1 :: State# RealWorld)
|                     = case eqAddr# ww end of {
|                         __DEFAULT ->
|                           case readWord8OffAddr# ww 0# eta1 of { (#
| ipv, ipv1 #) ->
|                           let {
|                             ipv2 :: Word#
|                             ipv2 = minusWord# (word8ToWord# ipv1) 48##
| } in
|                           case gtWord# ipv2 9## of {
|                             __DEFAULT ->
|                               case ltWord# ww1 1844674407370955161## of
| {
|                                 __DEFAULT ->
|                                   case ww1 of {
|                                     __DEFAULT -> jump exit ipv;
|                                     1844674407370955161## ->
|                                       case leWord# ipv2 5## of {
|                                         __DEFAULT -> jump exit1 ipv;
|                                         1# ->
|                                           jump $wloop
|                                             (plusAddr# ww 1#)
|                                             (plusWord#
| 18446744073709551610## ipv2)
|                                             ipv
|                                       }
|                                   };
|                                 1# ->
|                                   jump $wloop
|                                     (plusAddr# ww 1#) (plusWord#
| (timesWord# ww1 10##) ipv2) ipv
|                               };
|                             1# -> jump exit2 ww ww1 ipv
|                           }
|                           };
|                         1# -> jump exit2 ww ww1 eta1
|                       } } in
|                 jump getDigit w; } in
|           jump $wloop main2 0## realWorld#
| ======== Executable disassembly
| The jumps at "-1->" and "-2->" that correspond that "otherwise" have
| the same target.  The duplicate "load+cmp" with "q" is at "-3->" and "-
| 4->":
|     0000000000408de8 <Main_main1_info>:
|       408de8:       48 8d 45 e8             lea    -0x18(%rbp),%rax
|       408dec:       4c 39 f8                cmp    %r15,%rax
|       408def:       0f 82 c8 00 00 00       jb     408ebd
| <Main_main1_info+0xd5>
|       408df5:       b8 79 dd 77 00          mov    $0x77dd79,%eax
|       408dfa:       31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx
|       408dfc:       b9 60 dd 77 00          mov    $0x77dd60,%ecx
|       408e01:       48 39 c1                cmp    %rax,%rcx
|       408e04:       74 66                   je     408e6c
| <Main_main1_info+0x84>
|       408e06:       0f b6 11                movzbl (%rcx),%edx
|       408e09:       48 83 c2 d0             add
| $0xffffffffffffffd0,%rdx
|       408e0d:       48 83 fa 09             cmp    $0x9,%rdx
|       408e11:       77 59                   ja     408e6c
| <Main_main1_info+0x84>
| -3->  408e13:       48 be 99 99 99 99 99    mov
| $0x1999999999999999,%rsi
|       408e1a:       99 99 19
|       408e1d:       48 39 f3                cmp    %rsi,%rbx
|       408e20:       73 0c                   jae    408e2e
| <Main_main1_info+0x46>
|       408e22:       48 6b db 0a             imul   $0xa,%rbx,%rbx
|       408e26:       48 01 d3                add    %rdx,%rbx
|       408e29:       48 ff c1                inc    %rcx
|       408e2c:       eb d3                   jmp    408e01
| <Main_main1_info+0x19>
| -4->  408e2e:       48 be 99 99 99 99 99    mov
| $0x1999999999999999,%rsi
|       408e35:       99 99 19
|       408e38:       48 39 f3                cmp    %rsi,%rbx
| -1->  408e3b:       75 49                   jne    408e86
| <Main_main1_info+0x9e>
|       408e3d:       48 83 fa 05             cmp    $0x5,%rdx
| -2->  408e41:       77 43                   ja     408e86
| <Main_main1_info+0x9e>
|       408e43:       48 8d 5a fa             lea    -0x6(%rdx),%rbx
|       408e47:       48 ff c1                inc    %rcx
|       408e4a:       eb b5                   jmp    408e01
| <Main_main1_info+0x19>
|       408e4c:       0f 1f 40 00             nopl   0x0(%rax)
|       408e50:       c2 00 00                retq   $0x0
| --
|     Viktor.
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