Any chance this is related to the weird system cache thing for system
dylibs that came in with the most recent OS X releases? I don't think
those show up in the normal way.

On Mon, Aug 8, 2022 at 7:33 PM Ryan Scott <> wrote:
> I should clarify that I'm using a borrowed macOS on which I don't have admin 
> privileges, so I'm unable to install pkg-config. As a result, I'm commenting 
> out the pkgconfig-depends: line in libffi.cabal and manually specifying the 
> extra-lib-dirs and include-dirs via a cabal.project.local file.
> I've configured the project to use both the macOS system libffi (located at 
> /usr/lib/libffi.dylib) as well as the version that Homebrew provides. Both 
> configurations exhibit the strange, apparently-statically-linked behavior. 
> Even stranger, the macOS system libffi _only_ provides a .dylib file, not an 
> .a file. If I examine the x86 code of the compiled executable using `objdump 
> -d`, I can see various libffi definitions (e.g., _ffi_call), so perhaps these 
> definitions are being inlined through some kind of link-time optimization? 
> I'm really not sure how else to explain what's happening.
> Ryan
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