On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 12:28:46PM +1100, Clinton Mead wrote:

> I have a class with a "method" which has a default definition, and that
> default definition has no arguments on the LHS, will a separate "instance"
> of that default definition be created for each instance of that class that
> inherits that default definition? The important consequence of that being
> that the default definition is only computed once per type.

Typically, an instance method will have the instance type variable
present in either one of the parameter types or in the result type,
making it possible to infer at call sites which instance to invoke.
Such methods are polymorphic, and rarely admit a sensible default value.

However, when a such a default value is possible, and if you disable
any inlining that might trigger separate per call site evaluation,
then indeed you can get a "once per-type" value.  The below prints
"Foo wuz here" only three times.

        module Main (main) where
        import Again
        import M

        main :: IO ()
        main = do
            print $ one : foo
            print $ 'X' : foo
            print $ [one] : foo
          where one = 1 :: Int

        module Again(again) where
        import M

        {-# NOINLINE again #-}
        again :: IO ()
        again = do
            print $ one : foo
            print $ 'X' : foo
            print $ [one] : foo
          where one = 1 :: Int

        {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
        module M (foo) where
        import Debug.Trace

        class M a where
            {-# NOINLINE foo #-}
            foo :: [a]
            foo = trace "Foo wuz here" $ []

        instance M Int
        instance M Char
        instance M ([Int])

With `TypeApplications` and `AllowAmbiguousTypes`, you can define
non-polymorphic instance methods that require an explicit type
application at the call site.  In that case, with inlining disabled and
optimisation enabled, the various default `foo @sometype` calls can be
collapsed to a single constant across multiple types.

        {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, FlexibleInstances #-}
        {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
        module M (foo) where
        import Debug.Trace

        class M a where
            {-# NOINLINE foo #-}
            foo :: Int
            foo = trace "Foo wuz here" $ 42

        instance M Int
        instance M Char
        instance M ([Int])

With the above class definition and instance definitions and the print
statements necessarily written with type applications:

        print $ foo @Int
        print $ foo @Char
        print $ foo @[Int]

the trace string is printed just once.

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