Two things are negatively impacting GHC CI right now:

Darwin runner capacity is down to one machine, since the other three are
paused. The problem and solution are known[1], but until the fix is
implemented in GHC, expect pipelines to get backed up. I will work on a
patch this morning


The other problem is one I just noticed, and I don't have any good info
about it yet. The symptom is that Marge batch merges are failing reliably.
Three patches that do fine individually somehow cause a type error in the
hadrian-ghc-in-ghci job when combined[2]. The only clue is the error
itself, which complains of an out-of-scope data constructor
"ArchJavaScript" in the file compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs. A cursory look at
the individual patches doesn't shed any light. I just rebased all of them
to see if I can shake the error out of them that way. Any knowledge that
can be brought to bear would be appreciated


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