Has anyone tried to compile GHDL for Windows with an LLVM backend?


I mastered a handful of steps (no warranty for final success):

-          Don’t download LLVM as a windows package – llvm-config is missing!

-          Download the LLVM sources

-          Install CMake to translate LLVM makefiles into VisualStudio Projects

-          Install GnuWin32 (I don’t kno why … the LLVM website says so …)

-          Run VisualStudio (needs circa 8 GB space – what the hell ! – and > 
1h to compile)

-          Don’t install LLVM into a space (sign) containing directory.

-          Still waiting for LLVM to finish ………………


Current open steps:

-          Compiling llvm-cbindings.cpp to llvm-cbindings.o -> missing header 
files. I hope they will be present when LLVM is compiled from sources.

-          Compiling dist/llvm/windows/default_pathes.ads and 


I copied these files from dist/mcode/windows into a new folder 

GNAT says: 


D:\git\GitHub\ghdl\dist\llvm [paebbels/master +3 ~1 -0 !]> gcc.exe 

default_pathes.ads:1:06: file "windows_default_path.ads" not found

D:\git\GitHub\ghdl\dist\llvm [paebbels/master +3 ~1 -0 !]> gcc.exe 

cannot generate code for file windows_default_path.ads (package spec)







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