Just a quick note that after lots of effort, and digging into gcc itself, I managed to compile a version of GCC 4.9.2 (to match one of the versions offered by opencsw.org for Solaris machines) which GHDL-0.33 grafted onto it.

I've made detailed notes on the process.

But I am wondering if the GHDL backend is itself 32-bit by design, and therein may have been the source of some of the porting difficulties on a 64-bit by default platform.

I last did a Solaris port about 7-8 years ago, with GHDL-0.27, and I remember it being easier than with this later version of GCC. So I am wondering about whether changes to gcc defaults for Solaris might have played a role.

My email to Tristan with the assembler error messages bounced, but with some luck (and more effort) it builds now for Solaris 10...

but GCC has been configured to generate SPARC V7 code which seems to be the most compatible and forcing GCC to generate this code doesn't throw the assembler error messages I was getting.

These changes might support back-porting to other releases of Solaris and variant operating systems such as OpenSXCE, which hopefully will broaden the appeal of GHDL for some niche users.


For a little mirth, here is probably the most minimalist VHDL it is possible to write. It doesn't even require library or and I did use this as a very first test:

-- This is the simplest Design Unit possible in VHDL

-- Entity with no I/O ports at all
entity SimpleTest is
-- empty --
end SimpleTest;

-- Architecture that has begin and end and nothing else

architecture Simplest of SimpleTest is
-- empty --
end Simplest;

This was enough to see that the compiler actually made a file, and it did.

More recently I've tested some of the examples from the GHDL tutorial, the most exhaustive being the Ashendon DLX processor model. Everything performs as expected.

Is there a more exhaustive set of tests anywhere along with correct results that I could maybe try, which would exercise GHDL in a structured way and confirm that the build is good?


Lastly, is there a place I can upload my /opt/ghdl-0.33 to with the understanding that it's still a beta?


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