
When looking through the gcov results I see that in some
cases a large number of lines which are marked /*EOF*/
show up in the report.

I have two extreme cases where 35000 lines marked with
/*EOF*/ are reported. In both cases I use the Xilinx UNISIM
library with

  library unisim;
  use unisim.vcomponents.ALL;

However I have other cases where between 100 and 1200 lines
marked EOF are reported which don't use vendor libs.

There in most cases no EOF lines are reported. Apart from the
two extreme cases described above I haven't seen a clear pattern
for what triggers these EOF lines.

In general all but the last few EOF lines have '-' execution
count, only the last few EOF lines have a count of 1 or 2.
Example appended.

Any idea what is behind this behavior ?

        With best regards,    Walter


    - ib_sres_or_2.vhd.gcov
          -:   72:
          -:   73:end syn;
          -:   74:/*EOF*/
          ....               <-- 82 more lines ...
          -:  156:/*EOF*/
          -:  157:/*EOF*/
          1:  158:/*EOF*/
          1:  159:/*EOF*/
          1:  160:/*EOF*/
          2:  161:/*EOF*/

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