Hello Robin,

std_logic_textio is a Synopsys package.
You need to use --std=08 to enable VHDL-2008, which includes this package or 
select another
IEEE flavor with --ieee=synopsys. The latter one add vendor specific packages 
with are not
Provided by IEEE to the ieee library.

Ieee ptfalls

--std and --ieee documention

VHDL versions

Kind regards

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Informatik
Institut für Technische Informatik
Lehrstuhl VLSI-Entwurfssysteme, Diagnostik und Architektur
01062 Dresden
Tel.:   +49 351 463-38451
Fax:    +49 351 463-38324
Raum:   APB-1020
E-Mail: patrick.lehm...@tu-dresden.de
WWW:    http://vlsi-eda.inf.tu-dresden.de

-----Original Message-----
From: Ghdl-discuss [mailto:ghdl-discuss-boun...@gna.org] On Behalf Of Robin 
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2016 2:15 PM
To: ghdl-discuss@gna.org
Subject: [Ghdl-discuss] include path for librarys

probably a noob question, but i didn't find any information on this problem. 
Some of my code has includes the line

        use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;

and if i call ghdl with

        $ ghdl -a *.vhd ./testbench/*

i get the error

        ./testbench/tb.vhd:5:10: primary unit "std_logic_textio" not found in 
library "ieee".

On my file system exist some std_logic_textio, which are from ghdl, I thought, 
but apparently the are not included correctly. I tried to specify the lib with 
the -ieee flag, but it didn't work either.
What i'm doing wrong?


$ find / -name "*std_logic_textio*"


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