Hallo Simon,
do you have also a clock event?

first I see

    if (rdy /= '1') then
      wait until rdy = '1';
      wait for 0 ns;
    end if;

this is simplify
 wait until rdy='1';

Hier you will get an glitch. ack is high for short time but
wait_for_transaction can not see this short event. The signal ack is
only 0ns high.

    -- Find start of xaction
    ack      <= '1';
    if (rdy /= '1') then
      wait until rdy = '1';
      wait for 0 ns;
    end if;
    ack <= '0';

procedure wait_for_transaction ( signal rdy : in  std_logic;
                                   signal ack : out std_logic
                                 ) is  
    variable ack_time : time;      

    -- Done      
    ack      <= '1';
    ack_time := now;
    -- Find start of xaction
    if (rdy /= '1') then
      wait until rdy = '1';
      wait for 0 ns;
    end if;
    -- Model is active and has taken over contents of record
    ack <= '0';

  end procedure wait_for_transaction;

Am 10.10.2016 um 09:44 schrieb Simon Thijs de Feber:
> For some stupid reason I am not able to replicate the error anymore.
> I have since changed my code to make it work and proceed. 
> It seems these changes had positive effect on the behaviour :(
> @Rene
> These are the procedures :
> [code]
>   procedure request_transaction ( signal rdy : out std_logic;
>                                   signal ack : in  std_logic
>                                 ) is  
>   begin
>     -- Record contains new xaction
>     rdy <= '1';
>     -- Ack = '0', model has started
>     wait until ack = '0';
>     -- Remove xaction request
>     rdy <= '0';
>     -- Model executes xaction
>     --
>     -- Wait for xaction done
>     wait until ack = '1';
>   end procedure request_transaction;
>   procedure wait_for_transaction ( signal rdy : in  std_logic;
>                                    signal ack : out std_logic
>                                  ) is  
>     variable ack_time : time;      
>   begin
>     -- Done      
>     ack      <= '1';
>     ack_time := now;
>     -- Find start of xaction
>     if (rdy /= '1') then
>       wait until rdy = '1';
>     else 
>       wait for 0 ns;
>     end if;
>     -- Model is active and has taken over contents of record
>     ack <= '0';
>   end procedure wait_for_transaction;
> [/code]
> Basic idea behind it is to use transactions and handshake via these 2
> procedures.
> best regards,
> Simon
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