Hi Tim -

Nice work! It looks very useful.

AdaptableGIMP doesn't record scripts -- our system is a way to collect 
all the tools necessary for a task in one spot. A great example of how 
this is useful is the task of drawing rectangles. In the version of GIMP 
we modified, there is no rectangle drawing tool. So we have a "task set" 
(interface customization) that gathers the tools needed to draw a 
rectangle, and walks you through the process:


While the web page is useful on its own, AdaptableGIMP will customize 
the toolbox with only the tools shown in the wiki page.

Will you be releasing the source code to your work?


On 4/30/11 2:39 PM, Tim Chen wrote:
> Very cool work!
> So you guys has implemented some sort of scripts for recording and
> replaying commands?
> Interestingly, I implemented a revision control system in the form of
> plugin for GIMP and the paper will be published on SIGGRAPH 2011. I
> had to modify the GIMP core (in a ugly fashion to meet the
> deadline...) to record user's actions and I am always wondering is
> there some other  more elegant way to do so?
> Please take a look at the abstract and video here
> https://sites.google.com/site/httimchen/2011_imagesvn
> On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 1:16 AM, Alexia Death<alexiade...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 5:07 PM, Michael Terry<mte...@cs.uwaterloo.ca>  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Alexia -
>>>>> http://www.adaptablegimp.org
>>>> Great, another fork... Interesting idea tho. Too bad it wasn't built
>>>> as a plugin.
>>> We would have loved to build it as a plug-in, but we need to significantly
>>> alter the toolbox's behavior, which is not possible with GIMP's plug-in
>>> architecture.
>> But you could have replaced the toolbox totaly with a dialog created
>> by your plugin... Some pdb changes may be needed as well to control
>> active tools, but those may have been mergeable, making the plug-in
>> usable on all gimp installations and your test base much larger.
>>> The source is available at the same place the binaries are. Making it
>>> available via git is a good idea. I'll see if we can put that in place in
>>> the upcoming weeks.
>> Great :)
>>> Porting it to the more recent versions should not be that difficult. In the
>>> meantime, there should be more than enough to explore and play with in our
>>> current version.
>> I personally haven't used 2.6 since it was released, because as a
>> developer I have 2.7 at hand and the improvements are great, in spite
>> the occasional bug.
>>> We're especially interested in feedback on the feature set and how it does,
>>> or does not, integrate into your workflows.
>> Well, I personally have very little workflows left that work on 2.6 et
>> all. Two major changes have altered all my usage habbits - SWM and
>> tool presets. Plus innumerable brush tool/outline  speed ups. Tool
>> presets is why I brought up 2.7/2.8. There seems to be a little bit of
>> overlap between what you and tool presets offer.
>> --
>> --Alexia
>> P.S. sorry about the direct mail duplicate
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