I just wondered...

Are there any GIMPers coming to The Gathering this year? For those
who do not know, TG is a big LAN-party in the Viking Ship, Hamar,
Norway, and attracts about 4300 people every year (all networked
together with help from Cisco -- 4300 switched 10mbit ports :-) ).

I believe it always (unfortunately) takes place about at the same
time as Mekka/Symposium -- this year, it's from April 19th to 23rd.
I don't think there will be anything special for GIMPers (unless we
make something ourselves :-) ), but it could be interesting to meet
some of you, in case you're going anyway. For more information, you
could check http://www.gathering.org/tg00/ :-)

Perhaps we finally could show all those Photoshop people what's _best_,
if some of the more experienced GIMPers come... I'm sure I could use
something to impress people with, at least :-)

/* Steinar */
Homepage: http://members.xoom.com/sneeze/

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