On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 10:55:23AM -0500, Jeff Sheffield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I.E. I was using the flag --disable-shared
> My thinking was that I could run multi-versioned gimps @ the same time
> without conflicts.

This does unfortunately not work in general with gimp, gtk+ or any other

It works best if you use completely seperate prefixes for the gimps which
are not shared with other packaged (libtiff, perl...), since you cannot
portably link against a specific library and the linker will use the first
"libgimp" it finds.

> The only remaining problem I have is with the Fu modual.

It's actually the logulator. The CVS version has that one fixed.

      -----==-                                             |
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      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __       Marc Lehmann      +--
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /       [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
      -=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\       XX11-RIPE         --+
    The choice of a GNU generation                       |

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