The only reason I am making the point is because I try to suggest GIMP 
to people who can't afford Photoshop or are looking for a free photo 
maybe it's not the best reason in the world.  I just wanted 
to give people a solution they could afford.  I was hoping to be able to
 give them something high end, intuitive, and hopefully easy to use.

 there some way to make textures?  stitch photos taken from various 
points of view? well, I can always do that with microsoft ICE or other 
programs made for panos, but not everybody knows about that -  people will use 
what is built into the program they have (after all, that's all that can be 
done, right...?). - and I know this is wrong thinking, but when you don't 
implement features, the user doesn't know any better - most of the time, but 
then there are the power users who want it all and do just about everything 
with the program, and there are plenty of them out there.

I don't think feature-itis is a bad thing.  it's just -well, how do you 
organize lots of features and plugins?  when you have a large collection of 
plugins from the registry installed, you get REALLY WIDE, long menus.  
especially if you have photoshop filters for pspi.exe you want to add to that 
collection as well.

 is some significant functionality provided by photoshop filters.  
again, take a look at
can make the difference between a toy-looking site and a
 professional site with some skill.  there are a lot of junk filters out
 there that simply just ruin an image.  I have had to wade through 
them.  But once in a while you find out about companies like

"Please use darktable"
 darktable?  it doesn't exist in 2.6.11 nor in the plugin registry.  
vaporware.  or someone is just being dark. :-/  I don't even like the 

"Gimp is just GIMP." seems so mediocre. I was hoping to spur some Excellence.  
maybe someone can come up with some radical new ideas for photo imaging and put 
it into GIMP.  I have already heard of one excellent idea which became a plugin.

>> From: "" <>
>>To: gimp-developer <> 
>>Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 8:22 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Gimp-developer] suggestion for new versions of GIMP
>>These experts are laughing at GIMP?
>>Luckily enought they didn't mention something about the name. They
>>would be LTAO and that would be really, really bad.
>>Now seriously: If you have real needs in your everyday work that can't
>>be addressed with GIMP, its plugins/scripts and other apps used in
>>conjunction with GIMP, you're welcome to suggest features or
>>enhancements to current tools.
>>But please, first make sure those features (or equivalent ones) aren't
>>available in GIMP and don't use other applications as a reference.
>>Focus on the need, a workflow and the desired result.
>>Some plugins in other applications are usually a combination of basic
>>filters and tasks that are available in any decent image manipulation
>>software. If you understand how it works, you can reproduce it, and if
>>you can reproduce it you can create a script or at least tell
>>who can create a script how it should work.
>>Free software is about that, and certainly not about copying
>>commercial applications and filters.
>>If you need photoshop tools, photoshop filters and you can't use
>>anything but photoshop workflows, maybe you're better with photoshop.
>>You have to pay for it and you don't have the chance to suggest
>>features or report bugs like here, but that's how it works and you
>>have to live with that. It's up to you ;-)
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