
My name is Isaac and I'm interested in participating in GSoC this year with
GIMP. I was discussing project ideas in IRC the other day and I was pointed
to this issue in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=465743.
For my proposal I would like to create a node-editor (similar to Unity's
resolving bug 465743 in the process as well as other changes that would
need to happen for the editor to be useful. I would create it as a
standalone tool both for meta-op creation as well as a sandbox for testing
new operations, and design it such that it could potentially be popped into
GIMP as a widget without much modification, either for creating/loading
metaops or for editing the current image's graph itself (I don't know what
the plan is for revealing this to the user). I saw the email about what is
expected of students interested in developing GEGL ops, and I would like to
know if I should send in an identical set of information (the code review,
dummy gegl op patch, etc), or if I should send in something different which
is more tailored to my proposal.

I would be interested in hearing from some other developers (it was pippin
who my project could have potential) about whether this would actually be
useful (and thus acceptable for GSoC) to GIMP and GEGL.

Thank you very much,

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