Try my version and let me know if you have issues:


On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Ryan Krauss <> wrote:

> I have recently switched from Ubuntu to Mac and am having some trouble
> getting GIMP working the way I need.  I use pygimp and a Wacom tablet to
> create a sort of digital white board when I teach.  I use my pygimp code to
> correctly number each slide as I lecture so that the slides are useful to
> the students for review when I am done.  Here is an example if you are
> curious:
> I am using Python 2.7 for scipy, numpy, and other packages installed using
> homebrew and pip.  I am having a hard time getting GIMP installed in OS X
> 10.8 that supports both Python 2.7 and pressure sensitivity.  I have tried
> two approaches.  I downloaded a binary from here:
> Download GIMP 2.8 <> on the
> page.  It runs natively on OS X (i.e. not using X11)
> and it works perfectly with pressure sensitivity on my Wacom tablet.  The
> only problem is that it seems to ship with Python 2.6, which is a bit dated
> and not compatible with my other Python packages.
> I also tried to build and install from source.  I have tried this two
> ways.  The first was through homebrew.  I am able to compile correctly and
> it uses Python 2.7, but for reasons I don't understand, it seems to build
> an X11 version.  Again for reasons I don't understand, pressure sensitivity
> does not work when I build this way.  The pen and tablet under the extended
> input configuration are greyed out. They are set correctly, but the
> settings don't seem to be respected.
> I have also tried to just use homebrew to install the dependencies and
> then build GIMP myself in other directory.  This keeps getting hung up on
> trying to build a test GTK+ file that fails because it can't find gtk.h.
>  gtk.h is in a homebrew Cellar folder and I don't seem to be able to point
> the configure script to it correctly.
> So, can someone point me to the best solution.  If a binary of GIMP 2.8
> linked to Python 2.7 could easily be made available, that would be great.
>  If someone can help me build a version of GIMP 2.8 that runs natively
> using the Python from homebrew, that would also work.  I don't even mind
> setting up my own thing and compiling outside of homebrew, but I would
> prefer to avoid installing all the dependencies myself if possible.  I
> would prefer to have GIMP run natively rather than through X11, but if
> Python 2.7 and pressure sensitivity both worked, I would be OK with that.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
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