On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 12:19 PM, Ellis Hoeffler

> Also the feature that I wanted to
> suggest is a button or tool that makes any pasted image the same color as
> the one underneath. for example when I have a picture of a person and I
> want to edit that persons head onto another body it would change the head
> color to be the same as the other one if the colors are diffrent in any
> way. Like if the pasted head is pinkish and the original head is tanish
> orange it would change the pasted head the same shade of tanish orange as
> the other head
> .
I believe Alexandre already mentioned seamless paste.  For now you could
also do it manually, and use it as a learning tool by using sample points
and curves.  Not to be spammy, but I had written a tutorial for doing this
manually here:
 There's a lot of power just in those two features...

pat david
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