
while updating the [GEGL porting matrix] and [GIO porting matrix] in
our wiki we found out, that the current status indicators don't
show precisely, whether the implementation of a particular port is
finished or not. To make this clearer, we'll separate
the statuses of the implementation from the test statuses
more and use the following semantics in the future:

_Columns 'GEGL port', 'OpenCL version', 'Uses GIO':_
no (red): completely unimplemented yet
wip (yellow): implementation unfinished
yes (green): implementation finished, no matter of the test results.
gray: doesn't need porting

_Columns 'Test result':_
failing (red): tests failed (please also describe the failure shortly
in the comment field or link to a Bugzilla bug report).
wip (yellow): tests unfinished
OK (green): tests ok
untested (gray): not tested at all yet

The new semantics still means that the ports need to be tested
(the more and sooner the better), but is a step to show the
progress more clearly.

For someone who didn't implement the ports it is hard to find out
from the code whether still something needs to be done. Because of
this I hereby ask the developers who already ported ops to GEGL
and/or OpenCL to update the wiki accordingly. Please also update
the statuses of ports that were done by developers who are
currently not active in the project.
You can update the wiki yourself or tell me about the state here
or on IRC.

And of course contributions to implementation and test are always welcome ;-)
You can find instructions in the 'How to port' section there.

Thank you in advance,


[GEGL porting matrix]: http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Hacking:Porting_filters_to_GEGL

[GIO porting matrix]: http://wiki.gimp.org/index.php/Hacking:Porting_file_loaders/exporters_to_GIO
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