Hello Gimp developers it’s me with a simple suggestion. I was wondering if you 
guys would consider using steam as another distribution platform. Now I am sure 
you will be worried with the GNU and free software stuff. But I have good some 
good news

KRITA a fellow open source proyect is doing it and without losing it’s open 
source coolness.

to quote them "Krita is Free software, licensed under the GNU Public License, 
version 2 or any later version at your option. Any work done to make Krita 
integrate with the Steam platform will, of course, be Free Software. Any work 
done to improve Krita will be open source”


It would be amazing if we could use steam by using a trustable and 
multiplataform installer plus… you guys could post updates without us having to 
download gimp all over again  whenever a new version is real eased. Plus the 
opens source awesome will get more exposure. It’s a win win scenario imo.

Thank you for your consideration!
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