On 02/06/14 00:41, Gez wrote:
El dom, 01-06-2014 a las 21:49 +0200, Ofnuts escribió:
If you include in it the page from LightningIsMyName that it links to,

Call me cynical, but someone that needs really more detailed
instructions will likely not have the programming background to be a
useful Gimp developer. Of course I expect potential Gimp contributors to
be somewhat "already-knowledgeable", at least in the basics of Linux
application development.  Lines have to be drawn somewhere...
I'm not a coder, just a user and I could manage to build GIMP from git
without too much hassle.

Some things may be not exactly obvious, but I want to believe that
somebody who intends to contribute in a software project will be at
least equiped to compile the thing from sources.

If that's supposed to be an entry barrier, I think it's a good one.


I don't think it's an explicitly laid down barrier. But after all the maintenance manual of my bike assumes that you know how to operate a torque wrench and what SAE 20W50 means. If you don't you better keep your hands off the engine :)
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