On 10/12/2014 06:46 AM, Øyvind Kolås wrote:
like GIMP, image viewers and similar - should be requesting that
rectangular parts of the UI (image viewing areas and similar) be
excepted from these conversions.


People with wide gamut monitors would be pretty upset if their images were squeezed through sRGB before being sent to the screen.

Converting to sRGB before converting to the monitor's profile would limit what is seen on the screen to the *overlap* between the sRGB color gamut and the LCD monitor profile's color gamut.

Many LCDs, even many widegamut LCDs, can't display all of sRGB. See "Can the entire sRGB color gamut be displayed on today's LCD monitors?" http://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/srgb-bad-working-space-profile.html

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