On 15 April 2015 at 05:40, Simon Budig <si...@budig.de> wrote:
> Gez (lis...@ohweb.com.ar) wrote:
>> [...] optional patch
>> that provides and easy way to remove the name GIMP from the UI,
>> replacing it for a different one?
>> Now, seriously. What do devs think about this idea? If somebody provided
>> a good patch for building GIMP easily with a different name as an
>> option, would you accept that patch?
> No. It would only play into the hands we already have with fake
> packagers who sell Gimp without mentioning the Gimp brand name and
> without mentioning that Gimp is available for free as well.

Indeed -
Mr. Bagot -
I think the best approach you have is write the Software name in full
in all possible instances
(e-mails, documents, letters, etc...) - just write "GNU Image
Manipulation Program" - and leave
the acronym as if it did not exist in all written documents.

In my experience, name connotations are a matter os perception, and
many times it just hit
us in certain contexts - and may not bother our neighbors at all. For
example, it was only when phrasing this
paragraph I stopped to think about the sound of your last name would
have in my native language, and the possible
linked connotations - but just because I forced myself to think into
it in this context. Just as I don expect a full
400 million Spanish speakers to think of me as a "good" person.

Best regards,


> Bye,
>         Simon
> --
>               si...@budig.de              http://simon.budig.de/
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