On 04/29/2015 03:57 PM, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:

Now help us think on the next steps. For example get that e-mail
worked into a feasible specification: If you can, refine it, then
maybe try to get someone with UI expertise that could fine tune that
your suggestions into specifications that could be really great -  now
we don't have Peter helping the project anymore.
(could be someone from your area, to whom you could get face to face

- (I'd rather have another switch along the layer modes than
to duplicate all layer modes in the UI, for example) -

This link has three screenshots illustrating a proposed UI for allowing the user to easily choose between linear and perceptually uniform RGB and to know at a glance whether s/he's using the default set by the developers:


Is what's shown in the screenshots feasible in terms of linking the operations to the proposed UI?

What are specifications?

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