Hi Marc,

It's possible ( I could be wrong! ) that Olivier was asking you to contact me?

Anyway, I have not played with GAP in a long time. But I'll see what I can do.

What version of Windows do you have? Is it 64-bit or 32-bit?


On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 10:50 AM, Marc Nicolardot
<marc.nicolar...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> I am writing to this mailing list, following the advice of one of you, who 
> knows very well GIMP, but not with Windows, Ol... L.Ca....
> His advice for me was to contact Part.... Bac.... who could perhaps help me.
> My question is : how could I install a recent version of GAP (for instance 
> GAP 4.7.8) with GIMP 2.8.14. I would like to generate animations with an 
> aditional audio track (MPEG file or something equivalent).
> This was not possible with an older version of GAP under Windows. Ol... 
> L.Ca... explained to me this was possible under LINUX. Installing LINUX with 
> Windows on my PC seems above my possibilities. So the 1 question is : is it 
> possible, with a more recent version of GAP to generate MPEG files, with an 
> animation created with Gimp (Video Encoder Menu), under Windows
> The second question is :
> I have dowloaded GAP 4.7.8 and installed it in the default folder : C:\gap4r7\
>  This folder doesn't contain .exe files, except uninstall.exe. So where could 
> I find a plug-ins folder or something like that I could indicate in GIMP from 
> a C:\gap4r7 sub-folder ?
> Is a compilation of source code needed ?
> The same problem is for the GIMP extension : (C:\Program Files\GIMP 
> Extensions build by GIMP_Extensions_v2.8_latest.exe :
>  http://registry.gimp.org/node/27656
> I didn't find a plug-ins folder build by the installation of 
> GIMP_Extensions_v2.8_latest.exe : no plug-ins folder and no .exe files. So I 
> don't know which path I should indicate to GIMP for him to be able to find 
> these extensions.
> An aditional question is :  GIMP_Extensions_v2.8_latest.exe is a much smaller 
> file than GAP installer. So is it a full version of GAP which is contained in 
> GIMP_Extensions_v2.8_latest.exe, or a partial version of GAP ? I emphasize my 
> 1rst interest is in buiding animations with audio, so I will follow your 
> advices to reach this objective in the simpler way.
> Congratulations for this nice software GIMP.
> I hop what I tryed to explain in english is partially understandable.
> Thank you for your help,
> Marc Nicolardot
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